not your buddy, pal

Read "directing actors" by Judith Weston. Basically you want to find ways to convey specific emotions to actors, since just naming emotions and saying action will yield bad performances

allegedly (as per Kathleen Kennedy) the Lucas treatments were used as a jumping off point for 7, and the script just evolved a lot during the writing sessions (With Michael Ardnt's script being somewhat close to the idea he had in mind). Lucas was offered a seat at the table to be a creative force behind the film, but

two moons and a long asparagus shaped bridge

okaay but so what? you could do this with any two trailers trying to capture similar audiences

my AP history test always included a couple of cultural questions. If I remember though, they were such a small portion that you could probably get them all wrong and still get a great score

my AP history test always included a couple of cultural questions. If I remember though, they were such a small portion that you could probably get them all wrong and still get a great score

How is it that everyone who criticizes trump suddenly has a "failing career"

Roman Polanski is a talented director, who served the sentence he was originally handed, and only fled the country when the judge revoked the deal.

As a non celiac person who eats gluten free for various foods, I dont feel bad. Some foods that i normally bloat over (even in moderation) dont have the same effect when I have the gluten free version (rice pasta over pasta, for example

As a sucker for moscow mules, I always keep some ginger beer in the fridge and vodka in the freezer

its good enough, but fairly weak in terms in a stout. its like a training beer thats good to revisit when you're in the right bar, but I would rarely stock it in my fridge (in part because who would ever drink Guinness from a bottle…)

Unless you are a lawyer, then you will rarely have to worry about the legal implications. As a general rule of thumb, you can support victims and believe them without advocating for the removal of due processs for people being legally convicted of the crime

well they're not canon, as shown through r1 and the general lack of jedi in VII

no one thinks its legitimately good. Even the people who wrote a folk punk concept album about it know its…bad

your view of art is extremely limited. Go watch a movie made with nonprofessional actors (not a documentary, but something like clerks or the show "off season") and tell me again how acting isnt an artform

so…a comedian made a joke, and apologized…


i like sipping beer flights. my notes mostly amount to "i like this" or "i dont like this"

I liked him in August: Osage County, Beginners, Ghost Writer, and "I love yyou philip morris", but yeah he seems to be a kind of hit or miss actor.

No PC version?