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Have something you think we should know? Email us at tips@deadspin.com, or contact our writers directly, or use our SecureDrop system. You can also follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or subscribe to our newsletter.
What? The entirety of the liberal press was negative attacks on him! The loudest voices in the liberal press secretly partnered with the Clinton campaign on negative attack talking points!
How often did you say Trump never had a chance? And yet here we are.
This is wrong on so many levels.
It was the DNCs fault for not picking the best candidate. Nobody owes anyone their vote. Votes have to be earned.
I was looking at those numbers too, but assuming all of Johnson’s votes came from people who otherwise would have voted for Clinton is a bad assumption. Stein probably pulled mostly Clinton voters, but I wouldn’t be surprised if more than half of Johnson’s votes would have gone to Trump if he hadn’t run.
Seriously? This shit again?
I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?
I understand the anger, but finger pointing and blaming someone like Johnson isn’t going to change anything. We failed to win the rural vote in the Midwest and that has nothing to do with Johnson. We can learn a lot from this election, but fringe third party candidates aren’t going away. We will never know how Johnson…
It seems to be about scoring points here. This is easily the most controversial thing I’ve ever said about Kotaku in my 2+ years, at least, commenting here. I popped in today and saw /28/ notifications on my bar. I didn’t make that comment to say, ‘Hey, that’s not the truth, Trump isn’t that bad’, I made the comment…
His original comments were horrifying enough, but he was obviously talking about illegal immigrants specifically. There is actually a difference here, because his actual statement is incredibly prejudicial but not just bonkers absurd like the exaggerated one.
I won’t go along with the circlejerk and I won’t shut up when people complain that I’m ruining their fun by caring about things like ‘facts’ and ‘what actually happened’, so obviously I must love Trump. Believe whatever you like.
It matters to me because it gives the other side ammo. If you stand by people you agree with just making shit up about your opponents, it proves you don’t really care about the truth or even the thing you’re angry at your opponent for - you’re just here to talk shit and feel good about yourself. Which I have no doubt…
The Reddit hivemind has infested almost every corner of the internet. We’re not safe from them anywhere :(
I believe that the broad-brush-stroke thinking of many Trump detractors is a huge part of the problem with American discourse. I deplore Trump. But I look at the right and the insane exaggerations they are saying about Clinton, and I think, how are we on the left any better, when we ignore subtly in favor of…
The effect might not be that different, but DMoose does have a point when he’s saying (in his original comment) that Trump said enough ridiculous stuff to not exaggerate his claims even further. That’s just ‘defending’ the truth.
I find Hillary divisive. I am sick of hearing that the millions of Americans who support Trump are all stupid racists. Border security is a huge issue, and massive immigration from the Middle East might well be a bad idea. You can believe these things and be a good person...look at the social chaos in Europe caused by…