Using a burner because I don't want to log into Twitter here

Woof. Hell of a backlash we’re looking at right now. I want to believe the people who say that it’s the last flameout of this way of viewing the world but I’m afraid it might not be...

This. Progressives must always fight. To think you can ‘win’ anything and it’ll be yours forever is naive.

Love slap, Baby!

I’m inventing xanax milkshakes later, FYI.

Angela Merkel, leader of the free world, summed up Putin pretty succinctly: ‘I understand why he has to do this — to prove he’s a man,’ she told a group of reporters. ‘He’s afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this.’

Just gonna throw this out there because it’s very heavy on my mind.

I keep reading the, “HE’S A DEMOCRAT!!!!111!!!1!1!” screeching from these clowns and I’m laughing because this is Louisiana. That (D) don’t mean SHIT.

Louisiana ranks 23rd and 24th in the nation for black and female representation on the bench. Even if you look at Jefferson county in neighboring Alabama, which has recently elected 9 black female judges, you can see that this is a particularly entrenched problem in the state, and that it does not have to be this way.

People know/ knew, but this is Louisiana. This is Klan country. Democrat down here does not mean what it means anywhere else, & it’s pretty much a given that they’ll be racist as fuck. As for black candidates, it would be hell to explain to you what it takes for them to get in office, bc this is a banana republic.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you’re citing that reich-wing suckup Alveda as some sort of source?

Not that i disagree, but I recall in my voting precincts that if someone runs unopposed - and usually it’s positions like judges and security of the water department, etc - then it doesn’t matter, they’re re-elected (not sure how laws are elsewhere but probably similar). so, not only do people need to actually vote,

Some of you keep pointing out that he was elected by Democrats as if that changes my point. Then they need to vote in huge numbers in the primaries and find a primary against the guy. Serisouly, don’t tell me know one knew anything about this guy’s views. If anything, that puts this even more on them.

Child, I know. This is not good for my blood pressure. lol

And, especially after 2016, I will not countenance the bullshit arguments “He/she didn’t speak to my issues” or “He /she didn’t inspire me.”

I am getting hoarse from yelling this, but Republicans don’t even have to like their candidates for them to show up and vote for them. They will literally vote for horrible people who they don’t particularly like, because they know at the end of the day, that they’ll largely get the job done that they want done.

Exactly. These people are in power because old white conservative bigots get out and vote EVERY single time.

Wait, was this in the car or the restaurant? This is kind of sloppily written.

1. She is too old. Heath will become the same semi-successful line of attack. Plus, health aside, having a long career means there are inevitably more skeletons in the closet (legitimate or not) to be dragged out.

Considering other senators were allowed to read the letter and that she had finished reading it 10 minutes prior to Mitch’s hissy fit, it’s very obvious this was personal.