I totally understand the Freudian slip, but I think you mean vial.
I totally understand the Freudian slip, but I think you mean vial.
Solidarity coming your way. I’m sorry you have to worry. A Muslim friend who was working in DC after 9/11 also says this feels like that, but worse - in his case partly because he now has children.
You pretty much got it right with the exception of the phrase “fake news” thrown in for good measure.
I think it would have been really hard for them to keep touring AND run the government in Washington DC.
I am not a lawyer and haven’t read the court case but, how can a court award a guys entire business and personal assets like that? I can certainly see monetary damages of a significant amount which may force him to liquidize his assets but this seems odd to me.
As a ball-haver, I’ll say this. Getting hit in the balls is awful. But if men are going to be bigger and stronger (generally, there are a lot of women that could kick my ass in a fair fight) then women absolutely should go after the balls when threatened. I taught my sister that, I taught my nieces that, and it’s the…
Then men should keep their knees together.
bonus points awarded for hitting a target that small
Yes it’s so infuriating that ball-kicking is considered OFF LIMITS. If men don’t want to be kicked in the balls, maybe they should stop ASKING FOR IT by doing fucked-up shit that makes you have to kick them in the balls!
That’s when you stuff his pillowcase with them.
“the accusation spurred Romney to release his tax returns”
It’s an extremely stupid word, but I appreciate that it’s a thing because its presence tells me that the person who using it has nothing of real value to say so I don’t need to waste my attention on them.
If I felt the need to search my partner’s accounts, there would be a huge problem regardless of whether I actually had the passwords or not. That sounds like a prescription for feeding insecurity. If she were going to do something she didn’t want me to know about, I’m quite confident she would have the ability to set…
I can’t think of a legit reason for my boyfriend to have my account and phone passwords. He has his own accounts and phone. Why would he need mine? Absent some actual suspicions about something, why would I demand that he give me his? I don’t believe that just because I’m part of a couple, I have to give up all…
Yeah, “red flags” are easy to spot in hindsight, but so often they are perfectly consistent with innocent behavior. You can’t go through life just assuming that every slightly odd behavior is something dark and nefarious. There’s an implicit trust you just have to have in people that the things they are doing…
Gross. It’s customary to wait until the second course.
I don’t mind Bay because he doesn’t pretend to be a brilliant auteur.
as a Carrot Top, I approve of this message