
Somebody tell Gwynneth, stat! A new contributor for goop!

He has been in NCIS more recently as a Mossad agent...

Rachel Weisz and Patricia Velasquez would be a plus.... But I don’t think Rachel really wants to, and I don’t know if Patricia can come back from her departure

this is rather messed up

well, a private company has taken over most of these... The agency doesn’t get so much benefit any more. Once upon a time, the agencies ran the programs.

I kind of want to like her... but I can’t.

maybe they’ll all die before the island is gone...

sounds legit

*shrug* - no biggie. Now if this was Gawker, we could all really riff on his misfortune... But I guess we have to be a little less crass here...

and they undid that legislation, didn’t they?

Ivanka might get some passing consideration... she is hot, yanno... said so himself.

Well, Scalise is a representative.. not senator. Not that this a huge difference in this case.

Well trump did say he could shoot a bunch of people and get away with it..

So he was anxious to testify and say “I don’t remember” under oath?

“It’s just a flesh wound”

Not to forget Moon Zappa.

this is what I came here for... not disappointed

Am I the only one jarred by the combination of ‘sandy hook’, and ‘gala’?