
Personal Shopper, Clouds of Sils Maria, Adventureland, Into the Wild, Undertow.

Desi Arnaz would have been even better, but sadly he’s dead too.

Surely Galacdick is a reference to Branson’s company, Virgin Galactic?

She is credited as a writer starting in 1992 (Season 4).

IMO it’s not anything specific that he does, but rather his charisma and cleverness. XXXX was a guy who was comfortable dealing with underworld types and smart enough to get himself out of trouble, but more importantly he was fun to watch.

Anyone who watched Layer Cake already knew that DC would be a good James Bond. The fun part is that he turned out even better than expected.

Indeed! The character wasn’t named in The Hellbound Heart and was “Lead cenobite” in the movie, I believe.

Since those are quite clearly nails, not pins, in the head of the cenobite in question, could we also take this opportunity to name the new/reimagined character Nailhead?


I wasn’t aware that this one’s villain was named “Lucifer Satan”. Oh dear.

So it's the AUK Network, basically?

This is the one case where being a forgettable actress is helpful.

It’s just a $100 gift card, in case anyone else was wondering.

Lady of the Manor is getting some pretty dire reviews. But I agree that she has a great track record.

Sorry about the snarky tone of my reply. IMO an effective Foundation adaptation should capture the epic spirit and many of the details of Asimov’s work while addressing its flaws. Starting with The Mule then filling in backstory might work for Asimov fans (I am one), but have some pity for everyone else! As Neon Moron

I am very pleased that they didn’t use your terrible idea.

That first panel is a scientist and a cow away from perfectly embodying The Far Side.

Will Gregg Turkington be a guest this season? I’ve enjoyed his appearances in the past.

Is Belfast the “Jojo Rabbit” of 2021? Probably.

I always appreciate these festival summaries. And as long as we get some sort of ranking, I don’t miss the scores at all.