
This encouraging review convinced me that while the movie is set in Iran (which is already interesting and appealing), many of the questions it raises are more universal. I definitely don’t know enough about Iran to understand the “the fox slinking around Bahram’s estate reflects age-old Iranian perspectives about the

And deservedly so. Expecting JLP to leave starfleet and then getting pissy when he decided he’d rather continue captaining the Enterprise?

I think a concluding special is more appealing than another season. If the back half of S4 is any indication, they were running out of ideas.

Surely Tuca and Bertie fans should be referred to as a flock, not a hive?

If history is a guide, will have the premiere available for free almost immediately and the subsequent episodes will show up after a delay.

I suspect that they gave her an antihistamine, not an antibiotic.

With the simultaneous airing of the 8th annual “On Cinema Oscar special” and the first ever VFA “Our Cinema” special, I’m surprised that anyone had the energy (or screen space) to watch the Academy Awards presentations as well.

I didn’t care for the ending coda, but I liked Uncle Peckerhead overall. I’m a sucker for movies about struggling bands, and the horror/comedy element meshed with that surprisingly well.

Another Round just showed up on Hoopla. The Mole Agent has been there for a while.

I’m not a DMX fan but that does seem appropriate. Larger than life people should be larger than death, too.

awe inspiring in a way that rescues that phrase from cliche”

There are very few (possibly no) directors and screenwriters to whom that statement doesn’t apply.

I just realized that Nicholson hasn’t made a movie in 11 years. 

I wasn’t aware that this would be a multi-pantheon showdown. Fingers crossed that Jim Caviezel reprises his role as Jesus!

I think it clearly indicates that Frank’s users will be dropping F bombs and farting.

Is that a Brockmire bit? I’m sad to say that I’ve only seen bits and pieces of Brockmire, but I know that he didn’t like Joe Buck...


Tubi is great, but Fox bought it last year. Fingers crossed that it remains great.

Good month! I’ll be watching Saint Maud and Flight, re-watching Skyfall and Reign of Fire, and investigating Solos and The Underground Railroad.

Good point about Evans. Sunshine is his finest work, I think.