
I think autonomous vehicles will weather this one pretty much okay, mainly because the industry got lucky and it was Uber who killed the pedestrian. It is a company with a reputation for being shitty and cutting corners, so it won’t have the same shock value in the minds of the average American if Tesla, Google, or

Progress on autonomous vehicles will likely get set back, but on the flip side, how many pedestrians were hit yesterday by people driving their own cars?

Ah, false. Hyundai owns only about a third of Kia, far from enough to be a controlling interest. Pre-’97 Asian financial crisis, they were separate car companies altogether, and Kia’s automotive ventures actually predate Hyundai’s.

Buddy, I already have Vibranium-powered flying cars and I have no need for primitive internal combustion and electric runabouts and I will buy whatever toy I damn well please. Now, unless you drive a Brown-Manual-Diesel-Miata-Wagon you can GTFO of here with your gatekeeping bullshit.

No laughing matter. Those are all badass.

This is Uber, good chance they erased all data before the poor woman struck the ground.

I think the most interesting aspect of this, if the car and not the pedestrian was at fault, will be how everything is handled, as it could set a precedent for future autonomous accidents. What is the role of insurance? Will Uber end up separately sued? What responsibility does the safety driver bear?

My mom will think you’re super-rich. No one else will. They’ll think you wanted a nice but modest car that’s a step up from a Camry. Take it. Enjoy it. Sell it if you don’t like it, split the proceeds with your dad if you feel weird about it.

For Volkswagen to move forward in the United States, they first need to recognize a number of truths which have always been difficult for them. Like personal therapy, there can’t be any real progress until they understand what they are and how they got here. 

I’d like to offer my hypotheses that methamphetamines were somehow involved.

Belosic first became enamored with the idea of an electric car through a friend’s Nissan Leaf, of all things. While he said it was the “least impressive electric you can buy,” 

As a Volkswagen owner, $500 is minor.
