
Lost Odyssey kicked so much ass, and it bums me out that it just kinda came and went.

Now that Triple H shaves his head, will FIFA games be the new hair graphics test?

How is non-dairy ice cream? I’ve always been too hesitant to try because it feels like its missing the point of ice cream. I’ll give it a shot if I see this one because the ingredients sound good and I appreciate the statement they’re making.

That’s a great idea! I still start every night with her in bed because I know how much it means to her that we share a bed. I know she can’t control what happens when she’s sleeping, so I don’t blame anyone for the leaks and me being run out.

My wife sleeps with a CPAP machine that leaks and I get run out nearly every night. I’d much rather sleep by myself.

I do the cooking, cleaning and laundry in my house because my wife doesn’t want to and it wouldn’t get done otherwise. You’re telling me I could have tapped out?

Then you should buy the game because they’re both fantastic in it.


I’m sorry you feel that way.

I can work remotely, but my wife can’t. I’m sure she’d be fine with me sending a postcard.

I’m weirdly nostalgic for ports like this.

Man ... I’m just so tired with these people. They’re just ... just so deeply exhausting.

That’s hardcore. Respect.

Isn’t it weird how it felt like “we’re doing this ending to thank all the fans”, and yet they apparently failed to gauge what the fans actually wanted?

Ohioan who was transplanted to Tennessee that visited Dollywood right before COVID struck, and I can confirm that Dollywood rules, Dolly Parton is the GOAT and I gained at least five pounds from the trip.

I feel terrible for the healthcare workers who have to live this nightmare every day. As for the people denying it until their dying breath, the world won’t miss them.

I have no doubt that’s true. But Jared and Ivanka aren’t sending their kids to a normal people Jewish Day School. They’re sending them to an Ultra Rich one.

I’m always amazed every time I hear how young she is. It feels like she’s been around forever.

I never thought I could ever find a situation where I’d find myself siding with the families of an ultra-rich private school, but Ivanka and Jared just suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck sooooooooooooooooooo much.

I routinely get Publix subs with Boar’s Head meat, but I’ve never tried the tenders sub. I grabbed some tenders once from the grab-and-go cooler, but I found myself very unimpressed. Are they better fresh, and in sandwich form?