
I don’t want to spend one second longer than I have to at work, or with my coworkers. And to have to spend time with my racist-ass coworkers at a racist-ass hotel owned by a racist-ass racist? That sounds like a nightmare.

You’re a monster.

I wore a colostomy bag for six months. It saved my life. Corey Lewandowski being called a colostomy bag is deeply offensive to colostomy bags.

I really appreciate that subtle dig at the ACC.

Maybe it’s because I grew up in a breathtakingly Italian city, but I’ve just never had any need for Olive Garden. I guess if you live somewhere without more traditional Italian food options, it serves a purpose.

This is deeply frustrating. He at least APPEARS to be sincere in his apology, but it doesn’t matter because we need to hold people we consider to be “the good guys” to the same standards we hold bad people to, and what he did was unacceptable in 2001, just like it’s unacceptable in 2019. I was 16 in 2001, wasn’t

I also exclusively use Overcast, but I’ve been deeply frustrated with a bug in this latest version that sometimes just ignores you if you jump back in a podcast. Until they fix this bug, I have to hit the 15 second backwards button very slowly and deliberately or Overcast just “lol, no”’s me.

Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! I live in Tennessee, so this is easy!

I trust you.

It’s almost like anyone but apparently him could have seen this all coming. Weird.

Immigrants are good for a number of reasons, this reason included.

It’s still too soon to bring up the loss of those blessed Lokos.

I find Colin and his entire gimmick to be exceedingly obnoxious, but it’s unprofessional of the people running PAX to not even give him an explanation. That’s poor form on their part; they should have known what they were making a business deal with, and after they obviously changed course after being late in doing

What the hell is a Michigan World America?

To answer your question, I opened up Google Maps, “typed in “Boston Celtics” and a red pin dropped within Boston’s city limits. That seemed like a good enough answer to your question for me, so I’m going with that.

You know, a past version of me would have said something similar to Mitch when asked about reparations.

The only thing Whataburger had going for it was scarcity. Now that that is gone, the rest of the country will learn that the only good thing at Whataburger is its Spicy Ketchup.

A politician I’ve personally seen drunk no less than six times in my life.

If you make the decision to not vaccinate your children, know that it doesn’t ultimately mean anything because I’m a nobody, but I hate you.

IMAGINE being the guy who stans for rich assholes. What a thing.