A lot of people have already said this, but it really is foolish to trust us white people to do the right thing with Trump. I don’t even trust us, and I am white.
A lot of people have already said this, but it really is foolish to trust us white people to do the right thing with Trump. I don’t even trust us, and I am white.
Eh, Cena is charming and no one’s going to this franchise for anything other than charming meatheads.
OR Chris Evans seems like a decent guy who has his heart in the right place and this article is a bit much?
I was the altar boy who served his installation mass at the Diocese of Youngstown, and I’ve met Tobin a number of times.
You know, I will say that Trump executing a handful of his own people every time he does stupid might help us get rid of some of his biggest buffoons and is that really the worst outcome?
I liked her message, but Elizabeth was too quick to agree with Megan when blondie said she hoped Elizabeth didn’t think she was a garbage person.
This list doesn’t include the Nerds Blizzard, so what are we even doing here?
As an American, it’s also alienating. It celebrates an America that isn’t available to every one of my fellow Americans and that’s disgusting.
Because sports at the level ESPN covers literally can’t exist without politics. They’re intertwined at the cellular level, and to pretend otherwise says something about the comfortable position in society you likely enjoy.
The worst thing someone can do if they want to earn my respect and trust is identify themselves as a Christian.
I don’t know anything about the man, but I can’t help but notice that GOP congressman bit of his resume.
Chasten seems like a really nice guy and a loving spouse, though, so I feel bad for him personally that he’s going to have to watch his parents get slapped across the face for naming him Chasten.
*Chick-Fil-A replies to this question in Blinking White Guy GIF*
I appreciate the spirit, but Trump has to get in trouble ever to get in trouble again. Nothing fucking sticks to this asshole in any way that matters and nothing ever will because we are living in hell.
I’m Catholic (or was, I guess) and I never saw Passion of the Christ. Just growing up in the Church already burdened me with enough guilt as it is.
He wishes.
I don’t have a problem with reparations in the form of cutting every African American a check if that will solve the problems African Americans face in this messed up society, but it sure seems like it’s way quick and easy way for white people (myself included) to say “We good now? Racism is solved, right?”
AOC is like the anger generated by every sane person in America who looked at what’s happening and thought “...the fuck? How are these people allowed to do this?” was given physical form.
I’ve had my Prius C since 2013 and never had a single problem with the darn thing. I just figured I was lucky.