
In these comments: Butthurt 90s-born wunderkind.

@Thoughtwanderer: The whole "old people playing Wii" phenomenon is only really so popular because it puts old people up against an activity more associated with teens and younger people (i.e. gaming, casual or otherwise).

Wow, they're really gunning for MW2 I'd say, with the THE HOMELAND IS UNDER ATTACK! shot. Not that I'm complaining or anything, without any good competition a popular franchise can bury itself by not upping its game (no pun intended).

@TrjnRabbit: You nailed that Top Gear description, hahaha!

I feel Riccitello's doing the right thing by putting quality before shareholder interests. It's unfortunate that while gamers can feel pretty good about a game well after it's released (personal example, Dead Space), I think the investors (not just at EA, but in most companies) are stuck in the "Yeah, but what have

@AndrosZ: it's called Photoshop, DOHOHOHOHO


@GrimCW: I see what you mean about 6. I definitely think it's one of those really solid colored contacts, but sometimes that could be the look they're going for, I dunno.

@searanox: 99% of READERS? Yeah, I can agree to that. I mean, the comments here are pretty indicative, I'd say.

@Sindo: Number 13 is from Left 4 Dead, man.

I'm pretty pleased to see you guys put up 15 and 16, it was a lot of fun for me to get those shots (as well as the rest of their group's).

@GrimCW: I can't vouch for any of the other pictures aside from 15 and 16 (I took those pictures, so there), but it's possible that they're actually wearing colored contacts, but the color is so intense that it LOOKS photoshopped.

@Adam Spano: fair enough, I sort of had an idea why you're interested in the hobby to begin with, anyway.

Perhaps I missed, but has the entity known as Proud To Be Born Asian been through here yet? That guy is HILARIOUS.