
the headline suggesting he is an “aspiring” fascist...she spelled acclaimed wrong.


we were thisclose to avoiding total environmental collapse by just a smidge but we aref or sure totally fucked now.

coal was such a great gig for everyone. the working conditions were fantastic and the bennies short hours were just the icing on the cake. i mean harlan county was its own little shangri la and who doesnt pine for the days of living in a shanty rented from the coal mine and groceries purchased from the company store!

looking forward to the return of leaded gas and paint, as well asthose neato mercury fillings. also cant wait for the return of asbestos. also looking forward to the future taking place in black and white on a sound stage with a pleasnt laugh track.

Totalitarian regimes generally run out of the castle, no?

I noticed anti-intellectualism creeping in, but it has happened in my lifetime. Being smart was cool as recently as the mid-90s.

I’m 47, grew up in the 80s and remember hearing as recently as 1984 the idea that FDR was a savior to this country. My father, a leading (b. 1942) Boomer said that FDR without a doubt saved his childhood family of 5 kids from ruin. Today FDR would be considered a waaaaay out there socialist. Our lens has shifted so

i was being glib, which i thought was obvious.

yes! cant wait. “they kill each other so we dont have to!”

this is the greatest comment OAT

cant believe there came a day when gw seems like a fucking statesman. i imagine rivers of blood are coming forthwith.

repugnant. anti intellectual is the new elite. kinda smart but rich and ivy educated is the new genius. also white anti semetic jew but why split hairs. just above room temperature is the new (old) majority.

not from fascists, i don’t. GLWT.

morning joe should probably feast on my asshole and let me enjoy the show.

thank you for having some sense. i cannot believe the capitulation across the board. it is fucking terrifying.

fuck off.

wow. the press is falling right in line. that happened quickly.

Do you not realize that fascists generally do not honor things called “elections.” I think it’s cute that people think this is going to be business as usual.

i lol’ed