
Except that means Trump will become part of the crew in the next movie after that… and no one wants that.

I'm honestly glad that didn't happen. Rick James is his most overrated sketch and seeing him reprise it would have been disappointing. I was fine with just the Walking Dead thing he did with his characters. Plus, I'd say I prefer the Prince Charlie Murphy sketch more than the Rick James one.

Along with this girl being adorable, I've found a new level of sadness for Ray Parker Jr's career. And I didn't even think that was possible.

This is the best Nostalgia Critic video in years… mainly because of the presence of more interesting internet reviewer types.

A sci-fi show from a great talent on FOX? Can't wait for an awesome first season followed by nothing!


A third sequel to an over twenty year old movie proves a hidrance to the sequel to one of the highest grossing films of all time that was only released three years prior? Logic isn't on your side.

First Colbert, now this… the wound hasn't healed.

Enjoyed this a hell of a lot more than the last two episodes' attempts at "character development." The Walking Dead as a show has been consistently inconsistent, but I never felt like anything in this episode was too spoon fed or out of nowhere… or at least not nearly as out of nowhere as Bob Stookey's stuff from last

It's amazing. There's not much else to say.

Dat photoshop

Perhaps this needs a spoiler warning for the opening sentence?