
Don’t forget him in Tombstone. Performance of a lifetime.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

This is like when Madeline Albright was refused entry to the British ambassador’s black tie reception, clad solely in 2 feet of tit-tape and an oven glove.

The New York Times has a reputation as an excellent paper but their coverage of Iraq War 2: Let’s Really Screw it Up This Time and Election 2016: America’s “Hold my Beer” Moment makes it clear that reputation is unearned.

I completely agree. I call bullshit on a Republican senator suddenly caring about rape victims. When a woman is raped, it’s between her and her doctor, and anyone else she chooses to tell. Witnesses and people in the know can report “I am here to report a rape on campus” and they can divulge the perpetrator and serve

I want to stress that I’m on team “rape is wildly unreported and a fucking massive problem,” (I was assaulted in college and never reported it), but I’m not sure how I feel about the inclusion of “coercion such as lies.” Obviously I haven’t seen the survey, so presumably, hopefully, it was phrased differently and was

David Young wasn’t going to vote Yes either. Maybe the strategy is to shame them with this ad. They’ll likely see no more of this PAC’s money.

Hockey Law can be weird

Peterson also advised us to think about improvised weapons, like fire extinguishers, potted plants, or our sarcasm. 

I think there is still one republican party, they just abandoned the rational intelligent republicans entirely.

The institution of policing in America was designed to be Afrophobic. Waves of European immigrants, like Italians, Poles, and the Irish, used police and fire departments to whitewash themselves and prove their racist creds to their mangia cake overlords (I think Americans call them WASPs).

Nobody should dance en pointe, if physical health were taken into consideration!

He’ll say it was 8, but it was really more like 5.

I will say I do like Snatch a bit more, but I think Rocknrolla is a severely underrated Guy Ritchie film since Snatch and Lock Stock tend to get more recognition in terms of his crime movies.

The cops are the ones saying that he used his girlfriend as a shield, so I’m going to call bullshit on that entire narrative. It it obviously self-serving, and unverifyable.

I love this comment because I had a theory about Joey Lawrence when I was a teen, basically that he only played characters named Joey because he was too dumb to remember to respond to another name. Now I see that it was just because he was so good at authentic portrayals of people named Joey.

Sure. His “daughter.”

“A huge Vandy boner”