
I don’t really like Chazelle’s work or hype, and I felt bad for everyone else up there, but yeah, I snickered a little when I saw him lurking in the background.

Holy shit! I totally missed this. As soon as Faye Dunaway said “La La Land,” I turned off the TV in disgust. This is amazing, and I’m sorry I didn’t see it live. Congrats, Moonlight!

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

“If there was one minuscule shard of silver lining to take from Trump’s presidency, it was that perhaps this was the particular apocalypse the Democrats needed to reinvigorate its stultified base, one so underwhelmed by Hillary Clinton it largely couldn’t be bothered to vote.”

You know, most women seem to strongly want more communicative men, and you are strangely scoffing at men who are opening communication.

Articles like this are fine but the real education should be teaching women how to say what they want and partners how to accept it without hurt feelings

With several family members who work as public school teachers I would like to know where teachers got this horrible stigma of being somehow over paid for what they do. I have watched by family spend hours of their own and unpaid time every single day of the week prepping lessons and grading tests to make sure they

The Thin Red Line should have won over both.

You think he can hold a spoon with those tiny hands?

“School choice” just seems to mean we’re not going to fix the crappy schools so you better get your kid out of there. As for the kids who still end up in the crappy schools... well, sucks for them.

This motherfucker is only 6 years older than me. Racism is literally ugly.

Fought for whose right to vote?

And why don’t those damn kids get off my lawn?! And what’s a “Moonlight” anyway?!

I love the passenger crazily cleaning the inside of the windshield. As if visibility was the real problem here.

This is window dressing. He chose three people to lead the investigation that all have ties to Uber’s Board and/or Management. If they were serious about this they would hire a special investigator that has no ties to HR or Board of Directors. They’ve essentially placed themselves and HR in charge of an investigation

Overkill was the exact right word. Like basically just with the announcement they wanted everyone to be placated. “Holder’s on it, everyone!” Like, this is a serious case (as is harassment and gender non-parity in tech in general) but Eric Holder? That’s like tapping Mark Zuckerberg to tell me how to block my

I think Rodman’s stat is from hitting on the players, 50% tell him to fuck off to get rid of him, the other 50% tell them they are lesbian to get rid of him.

I’m 47 so this is right up my angsty teenage alley. What I really was into about Nirvana back in the day was not so much how disaffected or disillusioned they were. We all were. Everyone was. For me it was about how good a lyricist Cobain was, even couched in his rage. Pearl Jam was just that-a jam band, and