
Do you think Michael Bay would’ve produced his directorial debut if they hadn’t already worked together? I doubt Bay did much leg work, I assume his name is there to help secure funding.

You’re giving the Jez writers far too much credit. They aren’t the cool kids signalling who the next target for bullying is, with the commenters dutifully following along. As demonstrated here, people aren’t afraid to push back when they think a piece is unfair. And thundercatsarego’s criticism is not jumping on the


Googles: “Christine McCarthy” tomato

He read as gay to 14 yo me and I was barely tracking things like that.

I swear 90% of the comments on THR/Variety/Deadline are driven by traffic from The Drudge Report and similar right wing sites. They almost never read like people who follow trade publications because they are interested in the actual industry, it’s just a bunch of culture war BS.

More stars, dammit!

On the one hand, I am a Missourian who just penciled in “beat up Jared Leto,” so I can’t really criticize your instincts. But I suspect a truck stop on I-70 is where Leto’s big mouth would be most welcome.

On the internet, no one can hear your victory scream.

You can knock off the “they” shit. If you’d read my posts, you’d know I’m a middle aged woman with all the necessary equipment to get pregnant (whether or not it’d work is a mystery). #DroppingEggsSince1986

When did I insult you? And, AGAIN, you weren’t looking for clarification of my thoughts, you were wanting me to confirm your interpretation of them, which I didn’t do because it wasn’t correct. You responded to my clarifications with faux confusion.

How do you know this is something you want?

Yes. I respect their right to push their bodies like that if they want and I think it’s a horrible idea in general to have the peanut gallery signing off on what is and is not an acceptable medical/surgical treatment. But, come on, it’s not fucking heroic to do IVF. The world doesn’t need their offspring to survive.

You’re asking me to reconcile my words with your preconceived notion of my opinions. If you’re unwilling to budge on that preconceived notion, it doesn’t matter how many carefully chosen words I produce.

Then I’m confused as to why you are using terms like “privileged,” “luxury item” and “material means” in all of your posts.


I’ve said nothing to suggest people aren’t allowed to grieve about reproductive issues. Do you not recognize the difference between “reading prank pregnancy announcements makes me sad because it makes me think about my own pregnancy-related difficulties” and “you are a cruel and insensitive person for posting

Perhaps you missed this context in my earlier comment:

The person making the joke doesn’t know if they’re capable of getting pregnant unless they are actually trying. The joke is cruel if a person struggling with fertility makes it about themselves. Meaning the cruelty is self-inflicted, not part of the (not funny) joke.