
Her last serious boyfriend was a professional athlete, so this whole “I don’t know sportsball shtick” seems a bit rehashed. But congrats to them. I’m curious how they met. .. I do like that Rodgers dates accomplished, independent women.

I dunno, AOC organized relief from New Yorkers for a couple million sent to Texas in the span of a few hours and its not her district or state.

Cruz is trash and an opportunist. Even if Texas wants to vote for Republicans there are better options.

Seriously? Contrast Cruz’s reaction to Beto’s (y’all voted in the wrong guy, but it was close).  Sadly, too many people in Texas see a (D) at the end of a name at the voting booth, and get visions of a Nazi-Commie who will take away their guns and force them to have abortions. That’s why you get people like Cruz,

Both of them seem to be skating on “well, they’ll vote for us anyway” sheer brass balls.

Her naïveté and bad judgment through all this is striking. A political spouse of 10+ years really ought to know better than to participate in bad optics. Even if he had suggested it, the job of political families is to try to minimize and anticipate any embarrassing exposures for their political family member.

You know, I spent that whole Gorilla Glue nightmare just waiting for the stories to end. This story is the opposite of that. Please keep writing about the shitty lives and choices of Ted and Heidi forever.

I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.

Mental challenges or not, if my father “grounded” me at 39 years old, I would absolutely murder him in his fucking sleep. The mere thought of having my life controlled like it was when I was a kid is enough to make me feel anxiety rise up in my stomach now. I had a loving, supportive family when I was young, but I was

I thought that way too. But then someone pointed out that America sucks and so she probably isn’t doing this because she actually thinks Gorilla Glue is at fault or blames them for her mistake, but because it’s the only way she’ll actually be able to afford the medical care.

If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.

For her to have some say who is in charge of her conservatorship at this point.  I also think you are pretty blithely ignoring the way media and the music industry treated women just because it all looks like it worked out in the end for her.

I just read X AE A-Xii as E-I-E-I-O in my head and thats gonna be that kid’s name for me from now on.

Greene is the face of the modern Republican party. They are an alliance of fascists, white supremacists, and conspiracy theorists. This is them. This is who they are.

I was in utter disbelief when I saw this come up on my twitter feed. Sophie was truly a star. Her productions and her songs are always in my rotation. No one will ever come close to what she’s put out. I will forever blast Immaterial in her honor. May she RIP.

He’s still attractive to me in a way that is deeply upsetting. He’s that guy we all banged in college and wished our friends didn’t know about because he’s that sleazy. But somehow, it works.

Because he’s kinda funny and has hilarious jabs against the Jenner/Kardashian sisters, we haven’t really de-normalized enough the fact this near 40 year old father of 3 keeps dating teenagers and people are like “meh.”

In case anyone is curious what he looks like, this is Dennis Harvey, writer of the review in Variety. :)

Obvious explanation: If I was a Famous who suspected maybe one of my friends was selling gossip about me to tabloids, I might slip them something ridiculous as a test, like that I’m dating the My Pillow CEO, and see if it made its way into the gossip columns.

I posted an image of the 52-star flag as my background on Facebook, just so I could get a little chubby at the Trumpers and jingoists giving it the Love and Like treatment, because they didn’t know any better.