
Yeah, I think these things are standard religious ammunition. I saw a lecture last year that talked about how these tropes are still perpetuated in the Middle East by Muslims against Jews and visa versa. Obviously a precedent that goes back to the Christians’ “blood libel” accusations against Jewish people in the

May I add, that by counter suing, Rudy opens himself up to discovery.

Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.

“The reason that I’m not ready to say this answer is because I don’t know this answer,” she said. “[I want to] keep things in my life private until they are ready to be shared with the public.”

Honestly, I don’t know much about her, I can’t say I’ve seen her in anything at all, but I’m happy for her, and proud of her. Being in the closet sucks, so so very much. It took me nearly 30 years for me to be comfortable, not just with my sexuality, but my gender too, and I feel much better now than I ever did

They only care about children who don't exist. 

I was recently lurking in the narcissist parents subreddit, and the stuff kids post on there is really sad. I think the word narcissist is kind of a buzzword these days, so the kids use it a lot. But, the stuff they were saying their parents did was so appalling. I wrote to a lot of them to let them know they’re not

“ungrateful’re lucky your mom’s pro-life.”

After seeing that picture of Greene, some one should drug test her for meth because that is one red and messed up nose.

I love anytime I know that TERFs are having a bad day. 

Unbelievably, I still know a few people who are continuing to post about how “Trump and Biden are the same.” And yeah, Biden was not my first, second or third choice. But being able to undo some of the senseless cruelty of the Trump administration brings me joy. I’m looking forward to returning to fighting about if

This is exactly how I felt watching her swear in, Tracy. The waterworks for me unexpectedly started during Gaga’s anthem. It literally feels like a weight has been lifted.

“Jess, do your shit,” said another. “This is what we fucking lived up for. Everything we fucking trained for.”

Mitch is playing the game again. He’s solemnly mouthing the words to appease all the outraged but doing nothing as usual to kowtow to Trump’s lumpen base. I wonder, though, if he realizes how dangerous the game is this time.

wow, TEN Republicans found a pair of balls and voted to impeach this guy for inciting insurrection.  Color me unimpressed.  What an embarrassment.

It really is starting to look like the mob was just plausible deniability for an actual, planned, coup attempt. It makes it look like a spontaneous riot.. until you take note of how many people showed up prepared to do something a lot more specific than just break some windows and yell a lot.

“Moron Label” is all I ever see

As I watched the ‘rabble’ breaking into the capital I did think that it was mostly theatre, a bunch of white supremacist losers wearing militia type uniforms cosplaying confederate soldiers. As these new details emerge I realize how little I understood as to how this ‘rally’ fomented the rage of thousands of

Let’s not pretend this was an organic uprising, though.

Great piece. Also worth noting that the narrative that these are uneducated hicks misses the point entirely. These insurrectionists were doctors, lawyers, Olympic gold medalists. White supremacy, not intelligence, is the unifying issue.