
He voted for racist mandatory sentencing guidelines as well in 19994. Which event are you going to overlook?

Racists will always be racists. And it certainly isn’t black people’s jobs to change a racist’s mind.

LOL, the “less inclined”? What are you talking about? If you are buying into the idea that black people are the “real racist” you have already accepted a bunch of other ideas that buttress this. You are already a racist. You were already inclined.

That narrative already existed prior to this event and will exist after this event. There was no inciting event that caused that narrative to take shape in the mind of racist people. The only thing racist people need to say something foul about black peoples is air in their lungs.

But Sanders doesn’t believe in anti-semitism. It’s just a result of economic forces. If the Jewish people weren’t so poor then there wouldn’t be any anti-semitism, correct?

Sanders does something one time 40 years ago. SANDERS IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE SAVIOR OF BLACK PEOPLE. BLM points out that he voted for racist sentencing laws. THAT DOESN’T MATTER. HE IS YOUR SAVIOR BECAUSE I SAY SO.

You’re wrong. None of the events that BLM protested were Sanders’ events. He was a speaker there. The first was netroots and the second was this social security drive in Seattle.

Well dipshit the BLM had members at the netroots event which Sanders and O’Malley attended. That was the first instance of white progressives getting their panties in a bunch because black people dared talk back to their ONE AND ONLY SAVIOR.

LOL, the greatest champion of black told to you by other white people.

First, he doesn’t have a “real shot” at being elected. Tell me when was the last time an avowed socialist got into the White House? Never. Ok then.

In another story, the coach said the argument was over something that 12-year-olds would argue over. Not many preteens argue about who owes the other 600 dollars.

Because the number of women are willingly engaged in sex work is fucking low as to be not even significant.

All this means is that middle/upper class white girls who want to prostitute themselves for art, or sex positivity or whatever bullshit they come up with, won’t get arrested.

This is what happens when white people declare themselves “friends” of black people. I’m sure there was a Hamilton Nolan during this time who actively fought the people trying to free Benga by saying Verner was Benga’s best “friend” and “ally”.

Then why have the police if they are admitting that they are absolutely useless. You could replace this fuck with an online form.

They always tell on themselves because they are the most backward ass thinking fucks alive. Like I said, their whiteness screams to you, even when its in pixel form.

In Brazil right now, there is a strong white power segment in the government. They are openly telling black and brown citizens that they should expect to be exploited because Brazil was founded and run by Europeans. They don’t have the same exact shit as the U.S, but they still have that shit.

Must not be no “good cops” present in the whole department because the incident in question took place six weeks ago.

Once again, dipshit. Doing your job does not equal “good”. You are supposed to do your job without violating the rights of others. The definition of a “good cop” are those who speak up and stop others from violating the rights of others. I’ll wait here when you link me to stories about the fellow officers decrying

Sure. People are treated differently if they are rich vs poor, tall vs short, ugly vs pretty, but ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has ever been treated differently based on their skin color.