What responsibility does he have over these people? Can he make them do things at his whim at any time or is it just this time, when a white women in is need, that is superpowers come about?
What responsibility does he have over these people? Can he make them do things at his whim at any time or is it just this time, when a white women in is need, that is superpowers come about?
Literally, the very first sentence in that comment was “Sure, white guy.”
I have to ask the same question. Does he own some stock in Young Money or something?
Sure, white guy. Let me let you in on a little secret — just because something came out of the mouth of a black person doesn’t mean its not dripping with self-hate.
If you read Assata’s reply its very funny. There are “good” cops out there but it is not “practical” — her words — to do the right thing and speak out on this bullshit. And she’s the one throwing around the word, naive, to describe somebody.
Tell your friends at reddit that we are on to you.
I’m ____ . But I don’t particularly care if you believe me or not because on an anonymous internet forum the whole point is that your real life identity doesn’t matter. Racist trolls spew their racist bullshit behind fake names meant to signify blackness. They (you) think they are being clever by doing this. But that…
Yeah, the more you keep typing, the more it shows.
Shut up, Heidi. Didn’t your stepfather get arrested for making child porn? Be worried about what you’re gonna tell your therapist this week instead of the names of kids that aren’t yours.
Didn’t I already tell you the standard at which someone can be called a “good” cop? Doing your job and screwing over people doesn’t get you fucking cookie. You want to cookie, you’re gonna have to call out bullshit like this story.
i could have settle if the only ice cream truck drivers you ever heard of were in the media for x, y, or z, than...x, y, or z. i chose my blackness b/c i thought it would best highlight the ignorance of the OP’s logic. clearly, it made him/her dumber.
So sorry. But you have the stupid white guy impersonation down PAT!
I got 50% and guessed on all of them except Trump. Thank you, Kaplan Test-Taking Strategies!
No one is cool in Argentina, so I’m pretty sure its very popular there.
The only thing you are wrong about is the very much not-white descendants part. They continued with their life as they had in the South — slavery was legal in Brazil and there were/are huge plantations in the middle of the country. Their descendants would go on to become politicians and business leaders and thrived in…
In other news, Eminem performed there in 2014 and sang his hit songs about killing his ex-girlfriend and the love ode about beating women because he’s just so passionate.
That’s a nice touch, white guy using Assata Shakur as your screen name. You obviously did some googling.
It would be cool. Wouldn’t it be cooler if Eminem stopped making songs about domestic abuse? But oh well, he is a “troubled genius” after all. Can’t expect Marshall to stop talking about beating women, can you?
They only take a stand when it black people saying those things. White people saying those things are called “troubled artists”.