
I’ll mark that under superpowers that black people have:

Remember people, this is the same police department that is conducting the “independent” investigation into Sandra Bland’s death. They are fucking pigs, the whole lot of them. How much you wanna bet the cop stood real close to get a look while the two other cops violated this woman. Fuck all of them.

He was white and male. In a cop’s eyes, that is the standard for being “honest” and “compliant”.

And they definitely don’t get media attention when they stay silent about abuses they see their fellow officers engaging in. Doing your job and not fucking up people’s rights is what you are supposed to do. The standard for being a “good cop” is stopping other cops from abusing the public.

White people trample on POC all the time.

Um, yeah every interaction is related to her race because she doesn’t stop being FN in any circumstance. The U.S. is a country where my mother couldn’t drink out of the same water fountain as a white girl. EVERY interaction in the U.S. is based on race.

Didn’t say that it was. What is exclusive to white people is trampling on POC and the things that they cherish because white folks feel that they have no meaning. That’s why the (assumed) white people asked OP to give up her charms to the bratty child in the first place. It’s also why the bratty child was bold enough

Race is a part of it because OP didn’t stop being First Nations when a bratty kid approached her. She also didn’t stop being First Nations when the two other (assumed) white people chided her for not handing over something very personal to her to calm a white child.

My smoking was on a routine. I would have a smoke when I got up in the morning. I would smoke when I was driving somewhere. I would smoke after meals and/or while drinking. I would also smoke before I began to work.

It’s not hard but the little girl was white and the poster is a POC. I’d wager the other two people who wanted her to give up her items were white as well. It’s easy for white people to ask a POC to give up something important to them because white folks don’t see them as people in the first place.

What developers ultimately want is for games to be seen as high art and to also have no criticism at all. It doesn’t work like that.

Good luck with that. There are idiots who are championing John Holmes getting life in prison, even though there is no doubt that he was the one who shot and killed all of those people. The “mental illness” idiots are out in full force in this country.

Prediction: The “criminal activity” that they observe in the camera outside the business is just someone waiting for a ride while black, aka loitering.

Why are on the “let’s all defend the police now” angle? It is not unheard of for Texas police to go berserk at the sight of black people.

What evidence do you have of that, besides the police’s word?

You can do that if you’re white. Judges rarely will punish white people at the maximum the law allows.

Be white.

Remember that white men makes about 31% of the total population in the U.S. Yet have 90% of the jobs in government, entertainment, and science. That’s not a natural occurrence; they set it up this way.

95% of people against abortion just hate women.

She was in the Biggie Smalls biopic too where she played Lil Kim. And yes, there is a pretty good sex scene in it.