
Who is to say that they would get legal recourse if it was legal? New Orleans police didn’t even investigate the rape of toddlers.

I agree. I would go so far as to say nerd “culture” in general is just commodity fetishization run amok. Just because two people like Batman comic books doesn’t mean that they share the same values and mores — ya know, the things that make up an actual culture.

...and the premise of his relationship to Mila Kunis is that they got together back when being young and fun and dumb was cool,..

I can’t see why anyone or any culture would like a bland, unoriginal dipshit like Taylor Swift. But different strokes for different folks.

Talking back to the police is not combative? If it were, then every single gun rights nuts that likes to open carry and argue with the police when they get stopped would be dead.

Yeah. Actually the swept the BET awards this year. You’ll never that happen on MTV because if we don’t make things to celebrate ourselves, no one else will because of racism.

In a just world, it would. But this is Texas and the people down there are shit.

And when she didn’t want to jump to this tune because she didn’t have to, he could have CHOOSE to write her ticket instead of getting out his tazer and then “lighting her up” off screen of the dashcam.

The point is that this gun rights dipshit gets to carry weapons, not keep his hands away from them (the cop had to ask him two times to do this) and he is verbally combative. Yet he is not thrown on the ground or taken in or tased or even shot.

No, it was visibly upset after her answer to his stupid question to “is everything ok?”. That’s why he said in a curt tone, “are you done?” when she was in finished answering it. It’s not a rocket science to see that after that, the next question — not legal or even affecting his ability to write a ticket — was that

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That’s a question that only white people will get to answer because non-white people get killed over it. This dipshit is carrying guns and the cops still let him argue.

I do realize that now. My bad.

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Bullshit. Tell that to the gun nuts who walk around with weapons. There is literally NOTHING a person can do if a cop has it in their mind that they are gonna fuck with you. NOTHING.

So then imagine how much worse black women get it.

Yes it is. This is Waller County, Texas and there are hundreds of Confederate flags flying all over the place. If I were the feds, I wouldn’t even give them the chance to pursue a case, since you know its gonna bullshit.

I wish I could promote this to the top of this page. It was a total power move on his part.

Waller County is 25% percent black. Most of the county officials are white and so are the cops. The district attorney even made overtures to not allowing black students at Prarie View to vote.

That was just the pretense he wanted so he could justify violence against her later. You notice that he took her outside the view of the cameras when he slammed her to the ground.

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Yes, especially when white guys carrying weapons get more deference. For example, this asshole didn’t get slammed to the ground even though he was argumentative with the cops.

When he threatened to “light her up”.