
They already have de-escalating training. More training isn’t going to solve anything. These people make A CHOICE to abuse their position. And because society lets them off of the hook they keep on doing it.

You do realize that none of the presidential candidates are even talking about this correct? So why would they appoint an Attorney General would would investigate corrupt police or appoint SC Justices that will curtail police authority.

Did you watch the video? Because the main takeaway is the cop was 1) lying and 2) pulled her out of her car and assaulted her because she mad him mad.

And you can see that he was mad and took it out on her from the fucking video. She doesn’t have to put out her cigarette, but her saying no was the pretense he needed in his mind to get out a fucking TASER! He was gonna TAZE someone from not putting out a cigarette which they do not have to do. Fuck this guy. I’m glad

after all esports is more real than WWE.

The DA in Texas will care. Prostitution is still illegal. The fuckboy is going to jail. And so are all of the johns that contacted him, included Geithner. I know no one in the media cares because they all shit on the story. But regardless of how the crime came into the knowledge of law enforcement, that law will be

If you believe that you must meet with a prostitute to have the charges stick, you are sorely mistaken. In police prostitution stings people are convicted of merely showing up at the same hotel as they spoke about on the internet. Your boy David actually sent money, which puts that case in the slam dunk column.

He broke no laws? Prostitution is illegal in Texas.

But in the meantime it means two decades plus of misery and death from preventable diseases.

I would like to suggest that all burner accounts be banned and that feature be turned off for the time being. I like coming to this site but it has been shit reading the comments because nothing is ever about the story anymore, its all about that damned post and people saying how they will no longer come back.

Go back to reddit.

You should have seen the outpouring of love they gave to the white guy who played a remix of a Young Thug song in Glastonbury.

No worse than Carrie Underwood covering Wiz Khalifa.

  • The highest rate of death sentencing occurs in counties with low population densities and a high proportion of non-Latino whites.

Yeah, but they could have done that today instead of in the pretend future you’re talking about. That’s why I say, if he didn’t interepet the rules in such a way that lead to them getting banned now, he’s not going to in the future either — well, not unless a big enough fuss is raised and they get negative press.

You do know that the only other people on Colorado death row are black, correct? Two of them are connected to each other.

Well, seeing how the only people the state has on death row now are black, I doubt the white people will give what they consider a “black” sentence to him.

In the U.S., the death penalty is more for non-whites. Don’t worry, his skin color will save him from the needle.

Once again, those rules are not set in stone and it does not take a 2/3 majority vote in Congress to change them. If he didn’t do it now, he will never interpret those rules in such a way that allows for them to be banned. It’s not gonna happen. Ever.

None have really jumped on board either, or it would be making money.