These are a lot more fun to drive than you’d think, but they’re also much smaller inside than you’d think, and uglier than should be allowed. CP for me.
These are a lot more fun to drive than you’d think, but they’re also much smaller inside than you’d think, and uglier than should be allowed. CP for me.
This really isn’t that hard, just don’t feed wild animals. Problem solved.
I think Dirk changed the game more than Hakeem, however I think that Hakeem was the better player. They’re 1 and 1A in my book, for different reasons.
The Knicks are going to trade the Rangers pick to the Lakers for LeBron.
Me: (rubs eyes in “God dammit”)
“Each year, a conglomerate of homosexuals swarm South Beach”
The idea that companies should tell their employees ahead of time that they might go out of business is a little bit silly.
Initially this was sort of funny, but it really has crossed well into “someone should talk to him, and tell him to stop’s just sad” territory.
“I’ll tell you the truth, Joey, I’m confused by your tactics.”
You, sir, should be writing material for Pixar.
Are we sure that it’s an energy drink in the can? This would be a an amazing way to move drugs.
Have we closed the COTD voting? Cuz this is freaking gold.
I was thinking the same thing. Wherever the money is coming from (drugs, prostitution, human trafficking, etc), this seems like the perfect way to move it through the system.
Fascinating read, Alanis...great work.
I think this is giving her far too much credit, and not fully talking about what makes people like this dangerous. These people, regardless of race are terrifying because they don’t like anything. They simply align with whoever writes the check, because they don’t have a preference.
Easily the most enthusiastic and least thought out NP I’ve ever clicked. It’s a monster, but it’s a cheap, ridiculous monster that would be a blast to zip around in.
Criminally understarred.
I’m with you. Chris Davis is doing more damage to free agency than any player in history. The other players should pitch in and buy him out, just to get him off the books.
It’s also not the first time a major brand has paid tribute to a sports person/actor in a commercial. I think most people understand the differences, and it’s a little offensive to assume people don’t.
Unless this is all a ploy to allow Magic to be unaffiliated with the Lakers so that he can tamper all he wants? He’s secretly working for LeBron’s agency, and will be sent out to flash that smile as LBJ’s personal emissary.