
Interesting theory that came out of a discussion last night...Mueller doesn’t have enough from his investigation to impeach a sitting president, but he has enough to put a former president away for life.  So he’s waiting, and biding his time for the successor to be sworn in.  

The Kings will never win again, until they embrace their roots and start wearing a Rochester Royals throwback jersey.

Amen. Unions are pro-union at this point, and little else. The unions are one of the reasons that GM needed a bailout, because they specifically negotiated to get theri people the most money, not worrying about whether the type of contract they were agreeing to would be something that the company could continue to

You’re 100% right, U-Visas are super rare. We had an undergrad a couple of years ago on a U (which we’d never seen) and had to do all sorts of research to figure out what their educational status was.

Guy who is currently undocumented (I hate term “illegal alien”) criticizes the agency that enforces immigration law. This is like driving around with a giant “fuck the police” bumper sticker going 80 in a 55.  Maybe not the best plan.  

I think the moment got him. McVey’s done a great job of straightening the kid out between the ears, and allowed him to be confident and loose. He got tight last night (heck you could see it during the anthem), and regressed back to “bad Goff”, the guy who’s scattered mentally and makes terrible decisions when he’s not never felt like a battle of defensive titans, it felt like a boring game.  

Agreed, kind of. This is like watching Serena blow someone out 6-0,6-1,6-0. It’s watching Barry Bonds get walked, over and over again in the playoffs. It’s Michael Jordan shooting free throws.

Yeah, I agree completely. Asking for 4 new tires and a brake job is a little excessive, and even though there may not have been significant damage to the clutch, it makes sense to replace it given the circumstance.

I read this as Keith Urban, and legit laughed out loud.

This is the end result of everyone opting to complain about everything rather than having an sense of humor anymore. Fight racism and misogyny, and leaves harmless jokes alone.

She’s smart.

Come on people, this really isn’t a big deal, it’s just some other people’s language.  Can’t we just have them change it?  

A program?  Hell, for the next couple of years at least you could build a network.  

I’m 100% on board with this.  

If he were Jimmy Butler, yes. But no one who is interested in trading for Davis is going to back off because he might not re-sign there.  They’re going to look at Paul George and think they can make a great case for him to stay, and that they’ll change his mind.  

I love that you say “if it were even possible”, and then give an example of self-tampering.

You’d actually be surprised how often people say soph-o-more.  I’ve been in higher ed for a long time, and talked to parents all over the country, and it pops up a lot.  Weird.  

I’m getting a custom jersey that says “Kid’s dad” on the back, and rocking it with a matching hat, facepaint, and phone case.

This seems like the work of design people, mechanical engineers and someone’s parents not caring how much got spent. (and it’s freaking awesome)