How is that the only takeaway for you? Never mind.
How is that the only takeaway for you? Never mind.
For wanting to see a crappy movie by someone who practices sexual misconduct?
I went to USC in the mid-2000s. I think Singer had just recently gotten involved in the school as a donor/patron, and I had a lot of friends who lived on the “cinema floor” of one of the freshman dorms. (There were several themed floors you could live on – I requested one of the normal floors, ‘cause I’m not a fucking…
Instead of them taking his name off, why doesn’t he take their name? Then USC will be the one accused of all the terrible things he did.
to be fair to you and (to a point) to mike tyson, we know a lot more about tyson that paints him in a more sympathetic light in retrospect- its hard to look at any athlete who competes in a sport that involves constant and repeated head trauma and not wonder if CTE doesn’t have some part of it
I can’t tell if it’s genius parody or if I just ain’t ready for the real...
I just read up on it yesterday. I heard the name a lot but never made the connection to who he was (never watched Nick, even as a kid, so he’s The Head of the Class guy to me). Apparently it’s all unsubstantiated, but there are a lot of through lines if you look at stories related to Jamie Lynn Spears, Amanda Bynes,…
serioulsy fuck this faggot and his stupid world kevein spacey as an actor okay. kpax a beautiful mind but once you want to diplay gay eveyrwhere damn dude i just accpet your movie i didnt accept you. please keep your gayness behind the cameras or be made fun of liek everyone else. hey lok i didnt disclude you i just…
Yeah, this is why I don’t usually bother replying to your comments.
No, I’m making fun of Bill Hicks for being an overrated tryhard.
He’ll always be the paraplegic narrator from Oz for me.
America is weird about money and people who have it and people who don’t, especially if you incorporate aspects such as race and gender. I smell a dissertation in the making. Please cite me as a source. Thank you.
The kid didn’t hear about what happened on Apt Pupil, so he did Nazi it coming.
You know you’re an adult and responsible for your own decisions. But c’mon you also know you’re not really thrown into a moral dilemma over whether or not to support men who molest children. You know you shouldn’t be supporting them in spite of that huge first paragraph you wrote to justify it. Your dilemma is you…
For all his faults, Polanski does still make some amazing movies.
Upvoted for username-comment pedantic synergy, upvote rescinded for your long-winded comment not having any funny parts.
Fucking hell Kate. God this is so damn maddening.
Except people of Asian descent. You can still make racist jokes about them during the Oscar telecast as of 2 years ago.
It’s like a creeper’s version of The Tell-Tale Heart. I can imagine him sitting in his posh London digs, being driven mad by the sound of Brad Renfro’s beating heart.