
Theyre legally allowed to station 15000 troops in the crimea, something western media has chosen to overlook..

Just for your knowledge:

The Russians are saying their radar record shows the Turks entering Syrian airspace to attack the Russian jet.

It’s a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Still don’t understand what would lead to any fighter jet shooting any other fighter jet down. Airspace/Territory aside, nobody with those kinds of planes is directly at war with anyone else with those kinds of planes in this conflict. I fail to understand the logic here. The US/China/Russia violate eachother’s

Yeah, Russia should totally respect Turkey’s protection of ISIS and those oil smugglers.

They (Turkey) already have the “worst member of NATO” title - let us not forget that they are barely democratic these days - with a little “d”

My sentiments exactly. Hell would freeze over before I side with Putin, but it’s getting chilly lately.

So... I guess the US and Turkey are the assholes o’ the day.

Turkey and Erdogan have their own agenda and it is an Islamist one. They start fearing for their ISIL friends...

My guess is that Boeing is paying by the word these days.