
@PersicaPit: Wait! Something happened in Cleveland?!

Now playing

@TuesdayNext: Watching him behave politely and respectfully as Rosie O'Donnell made an ass out of herself attacking him reminded me that there are thoughtful, decent conservatives out there.

Ugh. The TV idiots here are already jizzing about Tebow's "sterling character" and "matchless work ethic." He's the Anti-Brandon.

This is a shout out to Eddie Murphy Raw, circa 1987.

Yum. And second on Ebert's blog, which is always thoughtful and amazing.

I for one think that Triangle Shirtwaist Factory joke was in pretty poor fucking taste. And my great-great-great grandmother agrees with me.

@bookling: Well, if they made it look good, it wouldn't stand out on the bookstore clearance bins. In a month.

I'm so happy I am no longer the only person ever described as "nowhere near as stupid as social services are making out."

And yet Jay Cutler is still allowed to play.

@lukeoneil47: It's like seeing a wreck with a car AND a train AND a plane!

Poor guy. In this economy he can't even afford a Cash Fan.

"...a discernable pattern of associative thinking and insight."

And while we're at it, let's remember that all the corn people want to use for biofuels has to come from someplace, people. If we're growing more for fuel, we're growing less for food.

Sounds like these gals spend a LOT of time at the bar.

Starbucks? What is that, like some kind of coffee place?

Have any of you considered the possibility that Reese isn't bored, dead-eyed, or anything else, but was simply overserved in the Botox chair? For crying out loud, the girl's smiling as hard as she can!