aka Pussy Monster
aka Pussy Monster
I’m thinking he could have caught it and thrown it back to the pitcher, but am unclear about which unwritten rule that would break.
Glad you asked, Bert.
But does he call charge? ‘Cause that’s the lowest of the low in my memory.
I agree, but it’s a fine art. You have to get him to smack into you when you’re ready.
aka Pick-N-Chump, He Who Cries at Screens, Unpick-able.
Fairfax options:
We don’t know if it was even a foul.
Putin put money in his pocket when his credit wouldn’t allow him to buy anything in the US. He also rigged the election that got him the most powerful job in the world.
You’re forgetting that racism and bigotry can get in the way of reasonable thinking.
Trump’s take on Russia is a slap in the face to their patriotism.
Well, did you expect him to come out and stand up against Russia who helped him win the election?
They have also upped their overall patriotism.
It might be for the best.
There’s an unwritten SOP that states to detain minorities first.
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. +1
I’ve only heard this three times in my life.
I’m undecided. It looks innocent enough, but I don’t know enough about how the Passimians are portrayed. If they come across as anything near the stereotypes associated with black people, ban it.