
You’re not considering that she got more followers for being bitten. Just getting the pic for the gram would have been an improvement, but getting bit? Winning.

Sounds cute at first, but upon further reflection, I don’t think drowning is a quick enough process.

“They are wild animals and it’s an uncontrollable situation,”

He’s got no character outside of being a rage monster,

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You should’a just called him Julian, GBS.

Why are you asking the same dumb-ass questions a second time an hour later?

If they were such strong independent self-sufficient blacks, why didn’t they just tell France to FUCK OFF?

Are you sure this 200 year period you mentioned was outside of Haiti being required to pay France for their lost slaves?

I wonder if he’d have this same sort of reaction to me playing go-go music on the 4th.

I can’t wrap my mind around this cop’s willingness to please this jerk. I just can’t...

This type of crap has always been happening.

I understand how the racists and bigots feel empowered these days, but the attitude of this male officer makes me want to break things.

Literally harass black folks.

No. We’re making America great again, remember?

Isn’t there a coach who gets to hang out near 3rd base who gives signs for the runners to stop or continue?  Or, are you saying this coach gets ignored a lot of the time?

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never seriously worked on his roll scoring skills

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Their competitive make up is on Conan the Barbarian levels, where it should be. Mercy is for the weak.

Draymond tries to motivate Boogie and Boogie summarily kills him