
It’s only strange because of how the Sixers are handling it.


NEWS UPDATE: He’s been traded for a 2001 Philadelphia 76er’s Iverson jersey.

He volunteered to design and install new kitchen and bath fixtures throughout the Arena.

A signed copy of an Essence magazine with Gabrielle Union on the cover.

The Capt. Obvious in me right now at your last sentence

Everyone, I apologize.

(Clears throat...)

(Knicks fan, as Shawn’s head rises from the earth, immediately after the tainted summoning...) 

Your venue is still The Garden. It’s hallowed ground for the league.

Of course she will!

Sounds like she should have called the police to report suspicious behavior and not gone around breaking into cars, no?

You can call him a drunken idiot if you’d like, but he did remind us that old ladies need lovin’ too.

It’s the sense of accomplishment.

It’s OK because it is was a legal tackle, and the receiver put himself at risk by attempting to gain more yardage.

“Next family to the front please!”

Dude didn’t want to fight, he just wanted bragging rights. “I barked at Westbrook and lived to tell the tale.”

Gift the fan that yellow wash rag he wore the other day by slipping it under his pillow.

A traveling bridge troll who appears to have amassed a fortune on passage tolls and construction fees.

It’s what LeBron writes in his season’s greetings cards to Mario Chalmers.