You have to take into account he was running for the first time in 20 years. He saw the pillar but didn’t know how to stop or change direction.
You have to take into account he was running for the first time in 20 years. He saw the pillar but didn’t know how to stop or change direction.
It would suck to have a beer bottle shattered over your head, then stumble back into consciousness where you realize you’re being stabbed by a guy crying tears of joy.
As an American, I have the freedom to shove my ass wherever I want.
The fans are treated to a violent exchange between an immovable object (the defender) and an unstoppable force.
Luckily, it was just one car and tow truck damaged this time, and no one was hurt.
You flatter me, but I recommend you look into the POTUS.
It’s his cover screen while he looks at instagram shots of exposed ankles as porn.
When you say age, you mean wear and tear, don’t you?
My comprehension of the Good Book is spotty at best, but it seems like they only focus on Psalms 127:5. What I’m seeing is:
I’m sure his body at rest is a stumpy, hunched mess. They’d tell him to stand upright as best as possible before recording his height.
Old people shrink. During his playing days, he might have been 6'3".
Huh. I figured he got T’ed up for distracting an opposing free throw shooter.
Nope, just enough time for a proper mean mug.
It’s the execution of that toss that is the problem.
His form has fallen too far for mere yips.