
He’s a douche, who also happens to be a terrible public speaker always speaking to the public. He tries to be relate-able by improvising away from the script, but it only highlights how disgusting his mind is.

No, he doesn’t.

Becoming a professional athlete requires levels of strength and dexterity that sad schlubs like you and me will only ever dream of having.

Upon our initial examination of the video, our NCIS team (Negro Cigar Investigation Services) believes that the cigar may have actually been a Gold & Mild, the light-skinnededed cousin of Black & Mild

They don’t call it “storming” they call it “gathering”.

Or, he’s shunned by the team for getting dunked on by too many lob-approved players.

Kelly Olynyk could dislocate his shoulder again.

Try to act like humans republicans.

I mean it’s not hard for a married couple in professional careers (engineer/doctor/teacher)

He thinks the Patriots organization (everyone under the Rooney family it seems) are acting like nazis and being unpatriotic during the national anthem before games.

But he doesn’t support Nazis, remember?

It’s called a one-n-done. Also, known as hit-it-and-quit-it.

That’s why they all drink so much.

Right on all points.


Failed to replace Shaq?

He does consider you “one of the good ones” but, he wouldn’t tell you that to your face because racism.

This is because Ashley gets it.

What’d I do?