Heartwarming, because ‘Graduation’ is something most folks here in the south can only dream about....or, I mean ‘mock people for’.
Heartwarming, because ‘Graduation’ is something most folks here in the south can only dream about....or, I mean ‘mock people for’.
Ironically most predators in Nashville lose interest after graduation.
It’s almost like Bennett thought the actual apology was more important than the public appearance of an apology. That sure sounds more mature than this doofus.
“Sure, there is still a part of me that wonders why Bennett kept [the apology] private. If he is serious about being a role model, I feel like it would have been in his best interest to show his contrition to the world...”
I’m loving this decade. This is the decade of “Wait, what do you mean I have to be responsible for my actions now?”
Where is the alt-reichs “It’s really about censorship in gaming journalism about terrorist attacks” rejoinder?
That possession deserves its own PornHub category.
Every day he looks at her like it’s the first time he’s seen her. That’s just love, baby
He’s never been IN the black either.
i would hope that all the girls softball teams were unseeded
Ey yo Harvey Danger miracles happen!
Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?
And if a fan yelled loud enough in center field for Adam Jones to hear the N-word, I guarantee you we would’ve heard and seen fans around on CNN on MSNBC, they would’ve found multiple fans to talk about what a racist piece of junk Boston is.
I believe it still counts as a pickoff—just a very, very slow one.
If you’re waiting around for Gina Trapani to post something, you’re a few years too late.
Setting my alarm for 530AM to get the full 4.5 hours of Kirk and Callahan on WEEI with the HOTTEST TAKES. It’s going to be great. You’ll get Sully from Carver with his “I have a black friend” take. You’ll get Ben from Manchester who once sat in the out field in Fenway in the 1980s and NEVER HEARD A RACIST COMMENT, so…
Their team hashtag (#BearWithUs) doesn’t inspire confidence
YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.
A few stray observations.
He was thinking of bringing a sign listing all of the subpar QBs Chicago has cycled through its shit factory over the last 65 years since Sid Luckman last suited up, but it was 138 feet long, comprised of 52 separate poster boards, and totally unwieldy.