Up there with Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot.
Up there with Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot.
“I had to use it in a lecture on literary warfare once, and it was awkward because you basically have to say “....guerrilla (and by that I mean the style of warfare) tactics.”
“It was kind of funny because one of the female agents would make a small bow toward me every time she passed me. These American girls don’t know how good they’ve got it.:)”
Honestly, that Rob Lowe gig sounds like the easiest shit ever and doesn’t sound unreasonable for a rich Hollywood dude. Ask one of DeNiro’s assistants what it’s like to carry the batphone.
This is stone cold Kinja. I approve.
That’s the next step after he really believes he is god’s appointee.
“if part her public performances are Donald exerting some sort of control over her.”
This is bizarre to me as well. She could have said they’ve been painted as bigots and misogynists, but she says “tarred?” Is it a dogwhistle or is it just her feeble mind searching for something more visceral than “painting?”
Not trying to start anything, but here is a hot take counterexample I’m definitely not trying to rile people up with.
Why did you strikeout “jesus?” If case anyone has missed it, Trump has really started to sprinkle god into just about every appearance, so either he just wants to cynically strengthen his appeal to his base (scary) or he is starting to really believe he has been chosen by God (scarier).
Sadly, this has been a Republican tactic for some time. Remember this absolute gem:
Ding. Ding. Ding.
If Allen had 1% the class of Gates, we never would have been in this spot in the first place.
But he’s better than Crosby and the true captain of Team Canada!!!!
Whatever you’re imagining in your mind right now is exactly right.
You’re so out of touch you can’t even consider that an intelligent Conservative would hate Trump because as everyone knows he is not a Conservative. He has basically turned his back on the entire Republican Party platform.
Self-awareness is not a strong suit among this crowd.
Please. Schilling’s going to run his campaign about as well as his video game company and, ideally, retreat to One America News never to be heard from again.
I am just an educated human that consumes as much knowledge and news as possible. Not a bitter person who complains when things don’t go their way.