Mango Mussolini is my favorite.
Mango Mussolini is my favorite.
You forgot that they’re the best facts. (Or does that go without saying?)
Oh I agree. I should have been more clear that I think that attitude started with Lebron’s Miami years and now Melo is just saying to himself “could I at least get a Kyrie Irving.” (Though KP is dope.)
Can confirm. Got free tickets about 15 years ago, made it there by the end of the first quarter, left by the half. Alcohol is the only way to sustain a game that is so clinically boring live and then you get nonsense like this.
I can accept that from a basketball perspective, though I think we would disagree on the real chances of those Nuggets teams. I was more commenting on Melo’s perspective which has always seemed to me to be that he assumes he is basically Lebron’s peer who just went down a less-successful path through no fault of his…
Phil may be out of touch and is probably washed up now, but the real issue is Melo was never really as good as Melo thought and was certainly never the key piece around which to build a team.
That image reminds me. If Tyrone Willingham isn’t the most obvious glossed over black-guy-with-offensively-racist-short-leash firing of all time, I’d like to know what is.
The only reasonable reply: Uh, duh.
Hi, I’m America, have we met?
A bit convoluted but I was with you the whole way. +1
If some brown guy got up and did this, the flight would be diverted right to Guantanamo.
That title is a work of art.
Battle to the death ensues,
Starbucks profitsAmerica wins.
The selection of Sessions as AG, that’s the nail in the coffin for those arguing that Donald Trump is not racist, right?
No way, we’re first in line!
“Oh, on a lark let me just nominate
LeBron JamesDonald Trump to run the free world, har har!” The very thought is fucking moronic.
Correct but they started as rookies in the same season because of the lockout.
Yeah, he selectively edits the films,
Life would be so much easier if Not Art Briles was running for President this year.
You must be feeling so crispy right now.