
So going off the rails of this crazy train, is it possible the show will have Mary pregnant at the end of the season and it will be cliffhanger because she had sex with Conde and Francis? I mean, that would be shit tv, but I honestly can't follow the writers or the plot anymore, so I'm hedging my bets.

Oh how I've missed this show and the recaps over here on The A.V. Club. This season premiere wasn't as juicy as I was hoping but good gods I'm just so happy to have this show back that I'll even overlook the creepy little girl and instead focus on the sexy new eye candy they had better be bringing back.

Nah, when I saw it last year in 3D it was one of the best experiences I've ever had in a theater. I was only 2 when JP came out in '93 but I grew up with that movie and to finally see it on the big screen was a dream come true.

It's almost like they sit around in the writers room and ask themselves "Okay, what's a great way to describe our audiences? You're right, 'fickle'." They think the shipping wars are what drive the shows into more seasons, but it's really the dynamics of every relationship that gives the stories depth and meaning.

That was a lot of heavy petting for taking it slow, I mean damn. Hell, I can't hate her for getting what she wants and enjoying the ride, I just wish it was under different circumstances.

Oh CW, you're so predictable it hurts.

She's the most resilient of the handmaidens so if they really start to pick them off, she'll be the last one to go down, and not without a fight.

I loved Castleroy in this episode and I'm going to feel genuinely sorry for him when Leith comes back and Greer chooses Peeta over him. Still, out of all of the handmaidens, Greer remains my favorite and hopefully they'll learn to balance out the handmaiden storylines next season.

Mary's declarations of "I'll never trust you again!" are starting to become tedious and superfluous. I really like this episode for Kenna and Bash, they have such a great chemistry.

This may be one of my favorite episodes to date if only because of everything that happened re: Henry. I would be really surprised to see Penelope last long in the next episode if only because there's no way in hell Catherine is going to come out of that drug induced state with any semblance of mercy.

In next week's promo it looks like Mary is about to address the power imbalances and stand up to Henry, so I think this is more of a setup for her triumph as a character rather than an actual thing that will continue to happen.

I think Mary will get fed up with both of them and tell Bash to suck it up. That said, with the whole Lola is probably pregnant storyline coming down the line, there's going to be a huge clusterfuck if Bash finds out. Maybe Francis will find out about the pagan baby and they'll have a baby off! Whose baby is worse?!

I actually really enjoy the Cracked Podcast, if only because I think the things that worked well when the site was great (open discussion, no terrible lists, multiple writers, engaging topics) are being used in full effect in the podcast.