This is what I picture:
This is what I picture:
Oscar Isaac though. How does he make that stupid mustache look so good? God damn. I will watch this raging dumpster fire only for him
The only thing I can’t believe is that this doesn’t have something to do with Russia.
Pretty sure the human trafficking stats remain high in the countries that manufacture her shitty clothes.
You are bad at the internet.
A tribunal, like in Superman II
I’m currently sitting in a public place trying not to go into a full fucking hulk rage after reading this idiot juror’s thoughts. Dozens and dozens of women with the same story but noooooooooo this slut was askin for it. MEN ARE THE WORST LETS RID OURSELVES OF ALL OF THEM
So why the header pic of Edward Norton then?
This reminds me of the time when we all found out that Gorillaz was just Blur. Conclusion: all ~secret art~ is just British musicians in tight blazers.
Yeah, Chris Martin is going to have to convince people he isn’t Banksy for like, the next 10 years. Which.....maybe the best way to go incognito ever?
I had always hoped it was the Queen.
sick of these helicopter moms back in my day we brought real crossbows to school
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His mouth doesn’t move like people’s mouths usually move when they talk. It’s like someone is operating the mouth of a particularly expressive Muppet for the first time.
Yet another example of why the Republican Party is no longer the party of fiscal responsibility (if they ever were).
Thank you for the information. When I was locked up every letter and book helped at least a little. If he can receive things like a normal prisoner I will send him a book. A Jez poster here sent a friend of mine who was locked up a couple books (I was asking for suggestions because I was sending some and this amazing…
ICE is now taking the position, as espoused by DHS Secretary Kelly and ICE head Thomas Homam, that they will act to the full powers given to them by law and essentially will not compromise on anything for humanitarian purposes, for virtually 99.99% of cases.
She’s, honestly, the only one keeping it together.