I just want to say thanks to the Root staff that has been posting over the holiday. I need my morning routine and you guys are my only consistency. As I recover from almost a week of drinking, it’s so nice to have my coffee and my stories.
I just want to say thanks to the Root staff that has been posting over the holiday. I need my morning routine and you guys are my only consistency. As I recover from almost a week of drinking, it’s so nice to have my coffee and my stories.
He should talk to a lawyer. You’re not required to disclose that kind of information to an employer.
My first thought.
I’d say the possibility of her being assaulted by this guy is a lot higher than him being assaulted by any cops she told. He already started laying the groundwork, and when someone threatens you it’s good policy to believe them.
Here is what I don’t get. Why do black women go out of their way to look after and remain loyal to black men, when far too many black men show time and again they could care less. Black women are expected to always remain loyal to black men. If a black woman dares to date outside of her race, she is ostracized, and…
Thank you. What also bothers me is that a generation of black women are possibly operating under the premise that it’s better not to report because the police might shoot them, rather than the idea their safety has more value than these black males and their abhorrent and criminal behavior.
I feel bad as a man that that happened and honestly I think she should have called the cops. Would the potential consequences for him outsay her feeling of safety when we all know he lacks enough empathy or decency not to say something awful like that.
> How can I look a black boy in his face and tell him he is nothing?
Not that you don’t feel sick, shocked and either blank or flooded with thoughts in that moment; You don’t owe that boy shit. You don’t owe any boy, no matter how much he reminds you of your brother, cousin, best friend from 3rd grade, your safety, your body, or your silence. Even if he's a Black one, and many are…
Part of the reason that many black men and boys feel entitled to treat black woman and girls in this way is because they believe (and see very little in society to contradict that belief,) that no one cares about what happens to black women. Black women need to work hard not to internalize this…
I carry a knife, pepper spray and have a concealed carry we emit because I've had too many of these interactions. And I have been taken behind that tree
People think I’m over-reacting, but mark my words: They want to go back to the 60s. They are busily working on changing laws to go against POC, gays, and women, they are gerrymandering and making sure the least amount of non-whites are able to vote. They are coming for us once they effectively deal with Mexicans and…
Yeah, we know. Trump was elected because racist people want to keep being racist and celebrate racist people.
I was actually just in Charleston in February. The city tour guide that we had mentioned at every stop about the slave labor that built the churches, and gave the founding families their wealth. He made sure to point out the Old Slave Mart Museum that details the cruelty and extensiveness of the trade in Charleston…
Won’t someone think of the nazis?
Public officials can’t really be doxxed. Sorry. Kinda like saying “Don’t let people know how to contact Hitler. That’s a bad thing to do”. You should engage these political figures. ASAP
I have to wonder if the city will stop glorifying slavery as it relates to tourism. Will they have historical markers where people were sold or lynched? Cities like this often put up plaques on old houses saying who it was built by and what year. Will those plaques continue to say “Bob Smith, 1855" or will they say…
He’s a public figure. No doxxing needed. Consider it a Customer Suggestion Line.
If we don’t use our bodies to stop this we are lost and may as well just give up. Children, specifically, innocent children, are in concentration camps. In our country. What use is civility if this is the end result?