
The card was the only one in the store that featured Black people. It was the only one with that stupid term. That is a message.

I really don’t even know. The picture might have me fucked up but the only response that makes any sense to this is, “Um....what?” 

Like I said, white people don’t care about the homeless man or his belongings. They care about trashing “their” beautiful Lake Merritt. So here is the white guy trying to take the trash out because that’s what message that lame ass mayor sent. The fact they have a white woman as mayor of Oakland is tragic enough.

Unpopular Opinion: I did not want or need any of those bedroom photos. Not in the slightest. Like I’m glad you’re in love and you forgave him or whatever. But I don’t need this.

Imagine being so privileged that not getting a free hamburger (or more over, hearing the word “no”) sends you into a rage that makes you think telling a Hispanic woman to “go back to Mexico” is an okay thing. Then imagine how miserable you’d have to be that person. Then be happy you’re not that person.

Except that BPD often comes with abusive behavior. It’s very different from, say, depression or anxiety. It’s not a chemical imbalance. It’s who they are. It makes them hurt people, emotionally & physically. It’s fine to be sympathetic, because it’s an awful existence, but it’s also important to validate that

He is right but I believe what her fans were saying is that dating a guy whose BPD isn’t cured yet will cause HER unhappiness. Its her they are concerned for. BPD is heavily stigmatised precisely because those who have it seem like the most loving and vulnerable guys until abandonment fears (real or imagined) kick in.

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

I cut my mother off years ago because she was a miserable, resentful asshole and it didn’t change her behavior one iota but it greatly helped my mental and emotional health.

I think what you’re saying is quite healthy, and my therapist would probably agree.

I’ve never understood people’s willingness to be hurt over and over again by family members.

I had been a fan of Tina for years, but she’s definitely someone who has embraced her white privilege. I think she’s a good person; but once someone reaches a certain level of success, I think something happens to their brains that fucks with their empathy. Maybe the money, or maybe the fame. Probably both.

I had a discussion with an older gentleman about just this yesterday. He couldn’t understand why a woman would wait 20-30 years to say something. (So they all must be lying). Getting fed up with black men using this as a defense for Cosby I asked him “If you got raped would you tell anybody?” After specifying that I

1) this is the most thorough, competent conspiracy ever constructed to take down an otherwise affable black man who has done nothing wrong

I think there’s a pretty big difference between running episodes of the Cosby show, created by and starring Cosby, and watching films financed by Weinstein’s production company...

I worked as a rape counselor for many years. Rape allegations divide all communities. We live in a patriarchal society controlled by men. Men have found it useful to perpetuate the lie that all women lie when it comes to allegations of rape. And, sadly, many women are equally complicit.

What got Bill Cosby “into trouble” was drugging and raping women.

I have no sympathy for Cosby. He has been a serial predator of women for decades. He deserves whatever he gets, which due to his age and wealth, will probably be next to nothing.

A rapist is a rapist. A predator is a predator. Even if only ONE of Cosby’s accusers was telling the truth, he would be and still is a rapist.

We briefly discussed the four stereotypes of black women in media and film and how Tyler Perry is the worst offender. Will you be talking more about the stereotypes? I think this would be beneficial for so many.