
I think the social contract is breaking down everywhere - on the roads, in the air, shopping, heck even walking my dog I always come across some idiot who thinks it’s ok to have their aggressive dog off leash even though it’s against the law (he just wants to play) and then gets mad at me for picking up my dog just in

I feel like you would have more joy in your life if you didn’t have to baby another adult. You may not agree, but this silent treatment bullshit counts as emotional manipulation and abuse to me. He is sulking like a child, why don’t you deserve to have a partner?

Fantastic article. I’ve learned that being an empath can work against you in a relationship with an abused person. They tend to take your listening as silence and ignoring the situation, rather than being a reflective being and trying to come up with the “right amount” of emotional response and tone. And if you go all

Castillo, who says she has lived in Minnesota for 25 years, told City Pages this is the first time anyone has ever spoken to her in such a racist way.

Was the one that she’s marrying the brother who got caught dressed as a nazi for halloween years back?


I dunno how that is NOT harassment. Have we crossed the sexual rubicon to the point that asking a woman to watch you jerk off is acceptable behavior? Take it out of the colleague realm for a moment, Cabbie asks. Passenger says no thank you. Everybody cool with that? How about a waiter? “My name is Eliot and I’ll be

You really don’t see the problem with asking a colleague in a professional situation if they’ll watch you masturbate? He has power over the careers/opportunities these women are exposed to. Do you do that at work? Walk into the lunch room and ask the first woman you see if she’ll look at your dick?

Seriously? You’re not sure if you are “allowed” to flirt with women at the office party, so you cancel the party entirely? Why not have the party anyway, and just don’t flirt? You know, treat it like a work event where you can mingle and be social but still be professional and treat your colleagues respectfully? Save

Seriously. The answer isn’t to avoid being alone with women. The answer is to be able to be alone with a woman without acting like a creep.

I had to search like crazy but for anyone else here wondering, the new shop is supposed to open on 11/12/2017 and the address is 5925 Old York Road. Supposedly there will also be a massage bed. 

I’ve been on three cruises in my life, and I absolutely loved every single one of them, but I’m also not the misanthropic impatient snob the author seems to be. The food was good (not great, but good) and there was plenty of it. Free room service round the clock (order fresh-baked cookies to your room at midnight and

Where do I send my money?

I mean,......

I appreciate the essay, but the way in which you come to this is so staggeringly naive, I almost don’t believe it.

Glad these white parents seem to be doing right by their kids, but dear god this reads like one of those “I didn’t realize women were people until I had a daughter” or “I pretended to be a woman on the internet and it turns out people are super abusive scary garbage trolls!” pieces. I realize everyone has their own

Seriously, if your going to a church then you are probably already either 1) At the lower end of the IQ spectrum in the U.S. or 2) Old and about to die.

Casual racism has been swept under the rug for so long it has become normalized. To the extent that Justice Scalia proclaimed we now lived in a post racial society as he dismantled the VRA. Emboldened by the likes of Trump many feel free to just express these views openly now. Which in a way may be the best way

Exactly. Welcome to the real world.