
I wish it was not this way, that we could put timely political stories in front of people without having to sell products that have the potential to undermine women and girls’ self esteem by making them feel less-than. But since this is the world we live in, I can’t even get mad about this.

This is only semi-related, but it is so bizarre to me how we treat mail as magically private. I needed an account number for something recently, so I went on to my bank’s site, logged in, and I couldn’t find it. I went to my electronic statements looked there, but it only had the last three or digits and the rest were

There have been so many horrible stories lately about kids being abused by coaches or teammates, I am starting to think I should never let my child play sports.

Of course not. They don’t see themselves as “working class” but as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who fully expect all that wealth to trickle down.

Is there any chance that this will give pause to Trump’s working class supporters? That they will recognize how Trump and his appointees are classic denizens of the swamp of entitlement and decadence that they claim they want drained? My guess: “Probably not” and “no.”

I might not have contributed as much to the economy as her or her shitbag husband but I certainly haven’t taken as much either.

Shes a failed actress who finally landed the job of sucking some creepy old guys dick in exchange for jewelry and fine home furnishings.

I’m a thirty-something white hipster in LA, that movie was basically made exclusively for me)

This confirms a theory a have about white people and I’m not even going to say ‘some’ white people. They are so full of themselves that they can’t fathom being told that they can’t do something or that some spaces aren’t targeted to them. They can’t stand that there can actually be spaces that weren’t created just.

I’ve heard a lot of well-meaning white people talk about how we should ignore the Nazis or make fun of them and I’m just shaking my head in disbelief.

I was definitely disappointed by this. Advocating to stay home and let these morons spread their filth without engaging them is not really the way to show people that their views are not welcome in this country. Perhaps this approach is better used instead of, oh, going to a family holiday dinner where you are going

I took it fairly literally. She thinks the best thing to do is let them have their say, but don’t pay attention to them while they do it. I just happen to think that’s a fallacy because everything they do is designed to incite a reaction and it will always be successful at some level.

Que 10,000 comments about being too harsh on “well-meaning allies” *wank off motion* and how we’re alienating those who want to help us *wank off motion*

Her comedy is so on point sometimes. But watching I couldn’t help thinking:

I didn’t find it funny but I thought it was because it was too real. Like, at the beginning of the year I was SO ANGRY all of the time and I didn’t know what to do or where to start and I was just angry. And carb loading to help not be angry.

I thought it was funny. But funny doesn’t necessarily mean right. Unlike Tina, not everyone has the luxury of ignoring nazis and white supremacists. Some of us are targets of their hatred.

Not funny and actively offensive. She should either pull her head out of her ass or just shut up completely. This is the epitome of the WhiteWomaning. If you have nothing useful to say then don’t say it.

I see a lot of people who didn’t but like this being told that they missed the point. I interpreted it much as the article here does and I’d love for someone to explain an alternate interpretation.

<white> boys will be boy.

it was meant to be funny, not racist.