
Lol. Okay. I don’t know what your first two sentences prove except that you should be working towards a better future instead of tearing down those who don’t do it the exact way you deem appropriate. Schumer is representativeof a conmon and persistent problem, but again, go ahead and keep seeing things through your

And YOU can choose to do that. For yourself. In YOUR life. People can only be upset at the things you are? Thats so weird and hive minded and makes little sense because micro-aggressions and fighting against having to constantly justify your existence are part of the many fights we can choose to engage in to

She really needs to stop saying, “Us” because it is very clear in the video that Beyonce is celebrating black women beauty, solely, and not fucking white women (I am a white woman). Amy, let me be clear, YOU (WE) DON’T EVEN GO THERE. She is all kinds of awful but I cannot fathom why she is trying to kill her career.

“I love how in the lyrics of “Formation” Beyoncé is telling us to get in formation,” she writes. “And also I like to think she is telling us ladies to get information.”

Surely other people’s time is for them to use as they wish, no?

It’s a song about celebrating blackness and she’s dressed in dirty clothes twerking while a bunch of WOC nod along as her side crew. There’s also the fact that the song itself is widely accepted to be about BLM and so using that particular backdrop for your aping of savage twerking is another slap in the face.

Given the sheer number of people here that will defend a two-faced twat like Schumer or Lena Dunham to the death, that’s fair. But I believe (or perhaps just hope) that Jezebel is trying to get better at intersectionality.

It would’ve been nice if she admitted she fucked up, but instead she’s doubling down. And frankly, I’m really over her doing shit like this. I cringed when I saw the video because man did she really miss the point of the song.

Okay, we get it. You’re another white person who doesn’t understand or care about cultural appropriation (probably because you don’t have a culture). Instead of accepting that POC have different and frankly, more of a right to an opinion on this issue than you, you have to troll and tell everyone what they feel is

Um, it’s more than a little racist and that should be obvious. Perhaps your privilege is keepin you from recognizing bigotry.

Except she isn’t talking to us, Amy. You and I are not the ladies that are being called to get in formation.

Go home Amy, you’re drunk.

Sorry, but her racism can’t go unnoticed. Try being part of the solution for once.

Ames, just... no. Move on, kiddo. You can be funny, I’ve seen you do it, hell people pay you to do it--go ahead and focus on that, cuz social commentary is, well, not your thing.

Why can’t celebrities just remain vocally aware and vulnerable to feedback instead of justifying themselves in these moments?

Ms. DeMaio suggested that perhaps the two men were just “friends” or “great companions.”

Even if they were just friends (they weren’t) who kicks out an elderly person who’s lived in the place for 55 years?! I don’t give a shit if you just bought the building and you’ve got every right to do so - just don’t. Hard hearted terrible people.

I hope he wins then draws up a will to leave it to some random homeless citizen on the street or donates it to an organization that will use it.

Those nieces and nephews sure are Trump-like in their raw, unpolished greed!

Things like this just reaffirm my general disdain for most of humanity.