
And apparently you are now in the greys? Or does that happen when you respond to someone in grey? I’ve always been grey so I don’t know how it works.

No...thank you! When I first looked at the comments people were chuckling about cupcakes. And after I read the article, it did leave me confused. You were right about it feeling like she is writing from another planet (called I’m a non-Black person that is too stupid and lazy to research an obviously denigrating term

Yesssss!!!! I’ve been up and down this thread, wrote a Salad Bowl post and I’m still reading through this thread because this shit bothers me so much. It’s fucking flippant and I’m mad at the writer. The audacity of not being Black and deciding she’s qualified to say whether something is racist against us is heinous.

Yeah, I mean I’d definitely think this were racist if I walked into a bakery and saw it. Maybe I’d be wrong! But that’d be my first thought. Especially when “not really black” was a big thing for conservatives to harp on in 2008. Sounds delicious but I would be put off for sure.

You don’t even need to know the background. The notion that a black woman doesn’t know that calling another black person an “Oreo” is insulting is ridiculous. Of course it’s deliberate. If she read this article, she laughed her head off.

Yeeaaaaah, that was my thought. I have no idea if Obama likes Oreos or not, but even if he does, it just seems like bad taste to name a cupcake with an Oreo in it after a black president.

My kids’ school is about 40% white, with the other 60% consisting of African Americans and a wide range of kids from immigrant families, including kids from about five African countries. The AA kids have nothing to do with with the African immigrant kids, for reasons ranging from “they’re too black” to “they’re weird”

Agree. Typical dumb non black professional “ally” who thinks she is the expert on racism.

People familiar with the fact that “Oreo” is often used as slur against biracial people and/or black people who “act white.”

Plus, as far as I can tell from a Google search, Oreo isn’t his favorite cookie. He’s expressed a preference for Girl Scout Thin Mints and Michelle has a special chocolate chip cookie recipe. Not saying the baker is racist, but not sure where she got Oreo from.

You seriously are unfamiliar with the implications of Oreo? That is legit shocking to me. I thought everyone knew that particular insult. I’m not convinced that this bakery owner was necessarily implying anything about Obama since Mr. President is a generic name and it does sound like a fancy cupcake. But I don’t

Yeah, I’m a touch surprised that the author/cup cake maker doesn’t know that ‘Oreo’ is an insult, usually inside the black community. Even changing the name to the ‘the Professional’ sounds like it’s still intended as an insult.

I live right around the corner from this Bakery. She bought it from an ultra conservative christian who has stayed on to “help her out.” It used to be called “His Bakery.” She is being disingenuous about not knowing the connotation of the Oreo cupcake being called The President. 

Soooo, lets talk for a second. Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you can’t support white supremacy. It isn’t a combo-breaker move so lets put that to rest. And to me if you have to trot out the fact that you are Black to excuse something or validate your point, it makes me pause. Not to say there aren’t

It’s internalized racism. We’re taught that real black people can only speak in AAVE, can only dress or act a certain way, can only be interested in certain things. If we stray outside those boundaries then the general culture assumes we’re putting on airs and we wish we were white.

Yeah, it’s internalized racism. The recent coverage of police shootings should have taught people that being black doesn’t mean you can’t do racist shit to your own people.

Not to mention that slur has been used by black people on other black people. So, this whole, “She can’t be racist. She’s black!” is a bit mute.

If she was white, it would be racist, and everyone here would concur.

Being black doesn’t make someone ‘not racist.’
Noting a commonly used slur, isn’t overly sensitive given our current climate.

Of course sometime’s it’s accidental, but often it’s not.

Watermelon is fucking amazing but I would think twice before calling a watermelon drink the Martin Luther King Jr.

Well this is a genuine surprise. Usually Jezebel is quick to label things racist. Can’t believe someone said “this isn’t racist”.