Lena "Tracer" Oxton

 US or JP?

It's not a Mario Party game unless it's incredibly frustrating.

A car for every purse and purpose”, alright.

For me, Summit1G will always be that one streamer with an Attack on Titan and a Sword Art Online poster on his wall.

$13/hr vs $200/hr.

Now playing

Please rise for the national anthem of Australia.

Just get a house 4head

I still find it funny that the botnet is named after Future Diary.

I think you forgot Rodgers and Hammerstein.

DYFR, Forbes.

Jalopnik is leaking.

First of all, if you’re gonna use a lot of tabs, especially if you’re using Chrome, you’re gonna need a lot of RAM and a SSD boot drive. This will increase the amount of tabs you can have open before you hit the pagefile and decrease the latency that you get once you hit it.

Which anime is this again?

PSU, motherboard, RAM, CPU cooler. Without those, you can’t even use your CPU.

Oh, come on, just give us full-dive already.

“size of little sports car”, huh?

Does the EU want us to use bing?

Or, add more fuel.

This. This is proof that MIATA is always the answer.

midroll ads, at least on YouTube, probably won’t be going away anytime soon.