

...everyone I know of my mom's generation had a solid secular background, even some hardcore haredim...

Oh, sorry, I just assumed.

Ah, sorry for the shabbat run-up!

Just a clarification, I'm not trying to be rude/sarcastic. I honestly don't know anything about moderate haredi, and am curious.

What are "moderate-charedim"? I know Modern Orthodox, for sure, but I honestly do not know of moderate haredim. Not to come off as super-ignorant, but don't haredi, by definition, reject moderation?

The Pride thing, no. The way the Haredim make Jerusalem not a safe space for gay people (and women and everyone else how isn't in their particular sect) is awful, though.

They've fought Pride in Jerusalem pretty hard.

It's real. The Amish (and Mennonites) run most of the puppy mills in the US. They have huge animal abuse problems in their communities (to complement the child abuse) and the running of puppy mills goes nicely with a lack of concern about animal welfare.

Wait, what? A Mexican man taught him how to not work so hard?! I must have my Mexican stereotypes all wrong!

So advocate for regulation of breeding, disallow the selling of dogs in pet stores, and shut down Amish puppy mills. In fact, I'm pretty sure just taking care of that last one would make the greatest % change in the issue.

Actually, (s)he picked a great example. Working dog breeders and show breeders breed for wildly different traits (trainability and longevity of life vs conformation to breed standards), and so get different dogs. Hip dysplasia is not the same issue in working GSD's as show ones because they weren't bred to have the


Sugar gliders.

Oh, I didn't know about that.

This isn't a regular private college, but more the college equivalent of a conspiracy theorist who lives off the grid.

They give her shit because as a fanfic writer she plagiarized and lied about it when caught. And then she got a book deal out of it.

And the gay couple at the skate park!

Talk to the head of the program and ask for a leave of absence. Unless you're funded for a very specific grant, you can take time off and then return, provided you talk to them beforehand. Plus that'll make it much easier to transfer credits/start anew elsewhere if need be. If that's too hard to deal with, ask one of

Legally the state would take custody of preemies so they'd get blood transfusions.