
My favorite new review site is Erica Moen's comic:

Don't believe it! Their flavor of Christianity (Gothard/Vision Forum/ATI/whatever), doesn't allow them to act unhappy. It's considered a sin. Every now and then you'll catch one of the older girls saying something like "I have to work on my contentment" on the show. It's a front they have to put on at all times.

"Coat can be made from red, blue, black, white or purple wool."

Some areas (Los Angeles, for example), reduce the price of a yearly dog license for seniors as well.My suggestion, however, would be to check out a rescue group that specializes in senior dogs before a shelter. They tend to know their dogs' quirks far better, have done more vet care, guarantee to take them back (often

Thanks for your perspective. It's very interesting! His parents definitely taught him an unnecessary degree of helplessness, and they're also very religious. I guess my partner and I will just have to keep subtly (or not so subtly) brainwashing him with feminism, and calling him out on his bullshit.

Well, I definitely appreciate your advice. And I'll save any ass-kicking for early in the day, or when he's in his scooter and not his walker. It only seems fair.

That's amazing, and you sound amazing. And also I feel like way less of a weirdo by asking strangers for advice on dating with physical disabilities, because at least I'm not stopping them in the street!

It's certainly understandable but oh so frustrating.

So, pretty off topic, but do you have any suggestions of resources on dating with a physical disability? A good friend of mine has CP and is slowing falling down the misogynistic/MRA rabbit hole based on his self-perceived un-datablity. (He's an idiot. Plenty of women have shown interest in him, he just can't figure