
He ain’t gonna be seated in the Senate. I’m not a gambling woman but I’ll put a chunk of change behind that.

“even though CK didn’t technically touch any of the women accusing him of sexual misconduct”

Ironically, Keurig was founded in 1992, which makes it far too old to get Roy Moore’s attention.

More like Mar-didn’t-tellusabouttheinjury, amirite?

Denver Bonko.

Beagles sound like hell demons

This show forces me to utter words I never thought possible. I hope Mark McGrath comes back this season!

I also find it less believable that 3 different women would make up accusations. If only one person comes out and accuses someone then I will probably wait and withhold judgement. Once it is multiple accusations, over a span of time, by people unrelated to each other than I think chances of it being false decrease

and it’s not as if he actually said he was sorry anywhere in the entire statement.


**rubs me the wrong way**

Thought you were talking about the law- because outside of a court of law, one can judge someone based on absolutely anything, and are not duty-bound to consider any sort of evidence at all, obviously. Though seeing as how a court of law considers statements to be evidence, it does not seem unreasonable for a private

It’s like when Lindy West talked about rape jokes, essentially saying that as long as the joke is on rape culture and not the victims of rape they are fine. She got a lot of rape and death threats. Then Patton Oswalt said the same thing and people are like “So brave, let’s listen to him.”

Nah, man; it’s a breath of fresh air, to hear an admission, but “I’m sorry that I was so famous and popular, and they wanted it” is not much of an apology. It’s the best we’ve seen, still not good enough.

This is the best apology so far, BY FAR...

The power I had over these women is that they admired me.

Yes. Witness/victim statements are evidence.

I have to ask, “Jeremy, is that what you want? Do you really want this to go to court?”

“mere allegations”

Meanwhile, the cat proceeded to shit in the soldier's boot