
Easy to think that given he didn’t run. He’s given it quite a few tries, and has been brought down by something or other every time. He’s a lovely guy, but like anyone with a long record of service, there’s plenty of shit to pick at, and the book’s been out on him for quite some time. Selfishly, as a big fan of his,

Over under on the number of times he ruffled someone’s hair while saying the word “sport”: 20.

No, dummy. If you’re a strong enough woman, they won’t harass you in the first place. So if you ARE harassed, that’s really on you for not being good enough to NOT be harassed. But maybe if you’re not harassed, it’s because you’re not hot enough to be harassed. So really you need to land in that sweet spot where

He and the other one just dip their heads in crisco every morning.

If you’re Trump, it doesn’t. The only possible options are Strong or Weak. If you’re Strong, you are good - rich, successful, etc. If you’re Weak, you are a loser.

Funny how, the day after the convention, Don Jr. did a speech from the site of the Chaney, Schwerner, and Goodman civil rights murders in Mississippi, where he said he didn’t understand the big deal about the Confederate flag.

If there is not a debate with Megyn Kelly and Rachel Maddow as moderators just lighting Trump on fire, the networks will have failed America.

Fuck you.


Oh, well, if the guy who fucks up the punctuation in a four-word response says so...

Because dumbfucks like you wouldn’t get their kids vaccinated as long as it was in there, and it was easier to find an alternative preservative than try to convince stupid people to be even marginally less stupid.

This is not even close to a reputable journal, or a peer-reviewed study. You’re reaching, buddy.

That doesn’t mean they’re equivalent, you titanic moron. It means that the FDA made its evaluation that vaccines were safe EVEN IF ETHYL MERCURY WERE AS DANGEROUS AS METHYL MERCURY.

Thimerosol is derived from ethyl mercury, which is not toxic. I can’t say I’m stunned you wouldn’t get your kids vaccinated. You’re a fucking moron.

To me, it embodies this idea that everyone is walking around all the time thinking horribly offensive things and yet holding back from saying them. The idea that people might actually not just think racist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim thoughts ALL THE TIME is some kind of strange PC joke.

I don’t have an autistic child but am participating in raising a child on the spectrum, who has presented with some other comorbid issues. I know what it’s like to search desperately for answers and to be frustrated. But I also know that the science is clear that vaccines have nothing to do with autism and “raising

Oh I didn’t realize she was such a realist.

There are things bigger than keeping a racist demagogue with a personality disorder and a legendarily short temper from becoming the chief executive of the US and commander-in-chief of the most powerful fighting force the world has ever seen, sole controller of an arsenal that is literally capable of wiping out all

Aw, thanks.

Yeah, well, “worse for the Dems than Nader” isn’t really a place I’d want to find myself. But I guess it works for Dr. Stein.